CliqueClack TV

Glee – The mash-off, and everyone finds out Santana’s a lesbian

We heard an excellent mash-up of Adele songs on 'Glee' this week. Sue is at it again, Puck's making a run for Shelby, and Santana is in big trouble. Big.

- Season 3, Episode 6 - "Mash-Off"

I love mash-up episodes on Glee. Especially when they take on artists I like, as in tonight’s case of The Trouble Tones’ choice of the music of Adele. And (coincidentally with MusiClack this week) some classic Hall and Oates from New Directions. Both of the performances were fine by me, although if I had to score? Santana and Mercedes just kicked ass. It was one of the best performances so far on this show, if you want my opinion. What super talented girls! Naya Rivera is especially growing on me, as the writers bring Santana’s story to the forefront. Let me tell you why …

Yes, Santana is wicked. Her tongue is sharp, and her memory is long. She’s very conflicted with her sexuality right now. Finn’s cutting words to her tonight were spot on. He called her out as not only a lesbian who’s in love with Brittany and frightened not to be loved in return, but as a bullying coward.

This isn’t the first time the strong message of bullies being cowards on the inside has surfaced on the show. (See last season and Kurt’s problems.) Also notice Kurt’s speech for class president in the gym, toward the end of the show. He states that if elected he refuses to let anyone be bullied at McKinley. Methinks that creator Ryan Murphy had some problems with being teased in high school. (In his other creation on FX, American Horror Story, a character named Tate constantly refers to high school being horrible. And ends up killing a lot of his classmates in a shooting spree.) I think Ryan Murphy is getting his own back at his past. And I wish I would have thought of bullies actually being cowards when I was a kid. It would have made a particular girl in middle school easier to deal with. (Yes, I’m glaring virtually at you Mary Beth! Ya … coward!!)

I feel better now. Let’s get back to Santana’s character. You don’t have to be a genius to anticipate all hell breaking loose when the show reappears in two weeks. After all, that slap on Finn’s cheek was heard around the world by Gleeks everywhere. And I guess technically it was his fault, for blurting out her sexual preference in the hallway. I also have to say, that I hear you naysayers out there, who will point out that a local politician would never be allowed to “out” a student in a tv commercial. So true! Again, as we’ve talked about before? Suspending belief is a must with this show.

Meanwhile, in a nutshell. Puck is moving in fast and furious on Shelby, despite their age difference and him being her student and all. I wonder though, seeing the preview, if he’s possibly pulling a fast one on her for Quinn’s ultimate benefit. (And if Puck is eighteen, I’ll eat my own eyeballs.)

And lastly, it was so nice to see Rachel finally stop overly obsessing about her already perfect school record and take herself out of the race against Kurt. After all, if these two fight? How will we get a “Rachel and Kurt Try to Make it in New York” spinoff next year?

If you liked the songs you heard on this week’s episode, and want to support us here at CliqueClack at the same time? Click the links below. And thanks!


Photo Credit: Fox

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