CliqueClack TV

Homeland – Did we really find out who the turned POW is?

'Homeland' was quite the shocker this week. It started off slow with Brody and Carrie hiding away at the cabin, while Saul and Aileen took a road trip. But, what a closing!

- Season 1, Episode 7 - "The Weekend"

If you only watched the first 45 minutes of Homeland“The Weekend,” you probably left thinking it was the most boring episode ever. But, the slow build up to the last 15 minutes was well worth the wait. I’m not sure how anyone could have seen that ending coming.

Carrie and Brody are so messed up that it makes some sense that they would find peace with each other, but them trying to be “normal” together was freaky! It was like watching two adults play house together. At the same time, it was brilliant and suspenseful. Were you on the edge of your seat waiting for their little paradise to blow up?

While Carrie and Brody were isolated in their little world, Saul was taking a road trip with Aileen. When he first talked to Estes, I thought maybe he wanted to transport her because he was involved. Instead, it turned out he really did have a plan to get her to talk — a plan that worked.

I’m still not sure why Aileen turned on the United States. Was it just to rebel against her parents and those that had similar views? Saul and Aileen had similar issues with their parents, but they resolved them in different ways (or did they?). Their road trip and her confession was calm compared to Brody’s.

I didn’t expect Brody and Carrie to find out the truth about each other this quickly, but their argument and putting it all out there was mesmerizing to watch. While I believe most of what Brody told Carrie, I’m not convinced that he isn’t turned. If nothing else, I think he has sympathies for Nazir. How could he not, if he truly loved him?

In the end, these two separate trips collidated with Saul revealing to Carrie that the presumed dead Tom Walker was the turned POW. What the frak! Walker is alive? And, in the US plotting a terrorist attack! Never saw that coming!

But, is that the truth? Are we supposed to just believe Aileen? Isn’t it possible that she ID’d Walker to put the authorities on the wrong path? I’ve learned at least one thing from this show, don’t take anything at face value — question everything and everyone. Even Saul could be in on this.

What happens now? Carrie is stranded at the cabin. Brody doesn’t trust her. Walker is out there somewhere plotting against the US … maybe. I’m not convinced that Brody is in the clear. He may not think he has been turned, but given his relationship with Nazir his sympathies have to be questioned.

The relationship between Carrie and Brody was built on lies and their fundemental need for the comfort of someone who understands what they’ve been through. I do think Carrie truly cares about Brody and he cared about her. Can they get over how and why they met? I’m not sure that they will or that they should.

I’m clueless about what is coming next, but I’m along for the ride. Homeland is truly an original and brillant show!

Do you think Walker is alive and the turned POW? Is Brody in the clear? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Odds and Ends

  • “I’m working, I’m always working.” — Carrie
  • “I think you’re working for Al Qaeda.” — Carrie
  • Brody wasn’t sending out a secret message with his finger movements, he was simulating using his prayer beads.
  • “I killed him.” — Nazir told Brody to beat Walker to death or be killed himself. (So, my original theory it was an accident was wrong.)
  • “I was embarrassed. Ashamed. He offered me comfort and I took it.”
    “I was broken and a man walked in and was kind to me and I loved him.” – Brody referring to Abu Nazir
  • Carrie taking on the white supremacist was funny. Nazi dick … no thanks!
  •  Each week, I feel worse for Jessica. She won’t leave Brody, but she should. Her and Mike deserve to be happy together. And, the situation now isn’t helping the kids.



Photo Credit: Showtime

5 Responses to “Homeland – Did we really find out who the turned POW is?”

November 14, 2011 at 1:20 AM

I’m with you, I’m not completely absolving Brody yet.

From the moment Brody produced the gun, to the end of the episode, was unbelievable! I don’t think I moved an inch that last 15 minutes. Great great great episode.

November 14, 2011 at 1:43 AM

I’m very confused on how Walker can be the turned POW. They show Brody having flashbacks from when he killed Walker. So was that not Walker he was with when he was a prisoner??? And if they had a funeral for Walker, that means they confirmed he was dead right (they must have found his body)?

This doesn’t make sense.

November 14, 2011 at 2:40 PM

I doubt they found his body. I don’t know when Brody beat Walker to “death”, but I think it was years before he was found.
If you think about it, its a grandious tactic. Have Brody beat Walker senseless and nurse him back to health in secret. Voila, you have one POW that will do anything for you and another that was betrayed by his fellow soldier. Both have the potential to be turned.

A had alittle hunch about Walker, but would have never thought it would play out this way.
I don’t trust Brody either and maybe Nazir is much smarter than we think. Maybe the attack on the US is two-fold. One plan is to take out the President at the helipad (Walker). The other is to create a war hero, who is the perfect candidate for a political career. We saw people talk about his future in earlier episodes. It would be a great opportunity to infiltrate the government on the highest level and gather intelligence for them (Brody)

November 14, 2011 at 2:45 AM

checking up on the good folks over here. It’s been 3 1/2 years since I stopped by and left a meaningful comment, but I just want to let ya’ll know that I’m still here and I love what you guys are doing with your blog. I remember back then when you guys were just punching a time clock at AOL. And now, you went for working at America online, to running a million-dollar blog. Really really really proud of you guys! :-)

Keep up the good work. Stop on by and check me out sometime :-)

with love,

Shawn Drewry

November 14, 2011 at 10:57 PM

Thanks for the kind words, Shawn!

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