CliqueClack TV

The Amazing Race – Copenhagen is not so wonderful for some teams

Another team falls as bad luck follows three teams around Copenhagen during the show's first ever visit to the city. Is that any way to welcome new visitors?

- Season 19, Episode 8 - "Super Shady
(Copenhagen, Denmark)"

Andy cleans up well and learns to dance old school

It was a real nail biter of an episode on this week’s The Amazing Race with team positions shifting throughout the challenges. Even the airport equalizer coupled with a time delay at the first clue left one team far behind the others. Also this week, the Double U-Turn reared its ugly head for the second week in a row and at this stage of the competition, no one is willing to play nice anymore (not that the team of Laurence & Zak have played that nice at all).

Yes, Laurence & Zak, probably my least favorite team of the season, have not done much to win me over. Zak is okay, he just seems pretty clueless, but Laurence has been an overbearing, mean-spirited person with his derogatory comments about his son, and chauvenistic comments about women. I thought he made a terrible move last week by using the U-Turn on Marcus & Amani, especially since they had been in last place and also had a Speed Bump to deal with, but unbeknownst to him, they had already passed the U-Turn so it didn’t matter anyway. The thing is, Laurence had no idea where Marcus & Amani were, but he knew there were two other teams still at the challenge he and Zak had just left, so why not use the U-Turn on one of them? I would have to think that Karma was coming for me if I had made that kind of game play.

Speaking of Karma, Ernie & Cindy seemed to have all the luck on their side this week as they quickly got into first place and stayed there throughout the leg. They were still a bit steamed about Andy & Tommy pretty much stealing first place from them in the last leg, so when faced with the U-Turn, what do they decide to do? Use it on Bill & Cathi, of course. Yeah, I know they did it because they wanted a nice buffer between them and the couple in second place at that moment, so it made sense but I was really hoping for a little revenge for that move. The decision did give Ernie & Cindy the buffer they wanted (we’ll have to wait until next week to see how far apart the teams are) as they arrived at the Pit Stop in first place, with Bill & Cathi in second and Andy & Tommy in third.

Lots of tension and errors dogged Laurence & Zak, Jeremy & Sandy, and Marcus & Amani. Here’s a quick rundown of what they all faced:

  • Laurence & Zak got an earlier flight into Copenhagen (the first time the show has gone there, by the way), but wouldn’t share that information with anyone.
  • Marcus & Amani assumed everyone was on the pre-booked flight, not seeming to realize they had the option to find a better flight, so as everyone else departed, they had a nice overnight stay at the Amsterdam airport.
  • Marcus & Amani ended up only 90 minutes behind everyone because the first clue location didn’t open until the morning after they all arrived.
  • Jeremy & Sandy only saw half of the first clue to the next location and went to the wrong place, so they had to go back to the start … just as Marcus & Amani arrived.
  • At the Road Block, three teams passed Zak who could not learn the dance steps required to move on.
  • Marcus refused to ask for directions until he felt hopelessly lost … then he decided to stop in the middle of a busy roadway.
  • Laurence & Zak were third finishing the Detour, but Bill & Cathi U-Turned them. Hello, Karma.
  • Jeremy & Sandy were still at the dance Road Block when Marcus & Amani arrived.
  • On the way to the Detour, Sandy swore she knew where they were … the realized they had been going in the opposite direction, putting them behind Marcus & Amani.
  • Marcus thought a nearby goat was a rabbit. They finished the rabbit challenge just as Laurence & Zak arrived for their U-Turn.
  • Jeremy & Sandy arrive and coukdn’t find the clue box, which is a mailbox this time, with only the smallest of race symbols on it.
  • Marcus & Amani check in at the Pit Stop in fourth place.
  • Laurence & Zak use Sandy’s navigational skills and go in the wrong direction to the Pit Stop, and get stuck in traffic for two hours.
  • Jeremy & Sandy check in fifth.
  • Laurence & Zak are eliminated.

And now we have our final five. Who are you rooting for? I’m going with the underdogs, Bill & Cathi. They’ve been consistently strong players, but everyone keeps treating them as if their age is going to take them out of the race. I think they are a force to be reckoned with, and even after a shaky start when they wandered around Taipei all afternoon looking for the first clue (and the producers’ attempts to make Cathi look like a total klutz in a later episode), the two have worked together as a team, never losing tempers with each other (and learning that they’ve known each other since middle school and married the day they graduated from college only makes them more endearing), have played a good game and made a strategic move when it counted by taking out Laurence & Zak. There may be more physical teams around them, but I think Bill & Cathi have the smarts to make it to the end.  How about you?


Photo Credit: CBS

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