CliqueClack TV

Community – A pocket full of Hawthornes

It's a big ol' Gay Bash at Greendale! There aren't any rainbow cookies, we do learn about sewing pockets in mini-skirts.

- Season 3, Episode 6 - "Advanced Gay"

I only wished I watched RuPaul’s Drag Race, because watching Shangela sing about Hawthorne Wipes is absolutely entrancing. I’ve clearly been missing out on a lot. I loved the big Gay Bash for so many reasons: One, it was one of the first, if not the first, episodes that heavily featured Pierce that didn’t make me want to punch him in the face. Generally, if we’re seeing a lot of Pierce, it’s because he’s being a complete asshole to everyone and bringing down the entire show. This time, he was sympathetic and had some of the best lines of the episode.

I also love it because it got a little real: They didn’t make Shirley’s religion a real issue when it came to the gay dudes, which is nice. It’s important to remember that not all Christians are crazy gay-bashers. While homosexuality may be at odds with their beliefs, they can still recognize that a good hairdo is a good hairdo, regardless of what guys do with each other’s butts in the bedroom.

Even more than that, I really liked the point that was made about corporations co-opting gay culture to make a buck. This happens constantly, with all types of groups, but the soullessness of it should not go unnoticed. It’s the main reason I hate Katy Perry. “I Kissed a Girl” sets back the gay movement by at least a decade, and “Ur So Gay” is ridiculously offensive, both thematically and grammatically. However, as soon as she realized she could start spraying whipped cream out of her bra and make a buck off of gay dudes, her tune quite literally changed.


It was also great to see John Goodman back, as I had completely forgotten that he was on the show this season. Even though he’s the dean of the vocational school at Greendale, it never occurred to me that the “Troy as a Plumber” storyline would fit into that. I had completely forgotten it had even existed in the first place. But that’s what makes Community so great. They’ll take a small little plotline from the first or second season (I don’t even remember!) and bring it back in the third and grow it into what seems like the beginning of a big part of the show.

Of course, Troy ultimately decides in this episode that he’d rather play Inspector Spacetime with Abed, because they are made for each other. Speaking of which, can we get an episode in which they completely switch places? Because their impressions of each other are brilliant.

Some of my favorite lines from the episode:

“The only thing I’m attracted to is taking him to court and eating his ass alive— That’s not what I meant. Please stop putting gay things in my mouth.” – Pierce

Abed: “I think I can explain: Pierce’s positrons have been negatized, creating anti-Pierce. It happens all the time on Inspector Spacetime.”
Troy: “Yeah, but anti-Inspector had a funny mustache and was kind of rapey.”
Abed: “Are you Superman?”
Troy: “No”
Abed: “Would you tell me if you were?”
Troy: “I’d tell everyone. I never understood why he cared who knew.”

“I gotta say: I don’t know why the word ‘gay’ means dumb. These guys are alright in my book.” – Pierce


Photo Credit: Lewis Jacobs/NBC

4 Responses to “Community – A pocket full of Hawthornes”

November 4, 2011 at 2:32 PM

If you have Netflix – RuPaul’s drag race is (or at least was) on watch instantly. It’s great. And there are some well know celebrity judges. I recommend it if you love a good drag queen and want some giggles.

November 4, 2011 at 4:14 PM

ok, this might be hopelessly naive… but could someone please explain to me what exactly gay dudes DO with hawthorne’s wipes?

November 4, 2011 at 7:15 PM

Probably wipe away some other dude’s fluids.

November 5, 2011 at 11:57 AM

1st buy some Hawthorne wipes
2nd ??????
3rd Profit

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