CliqueClack TV

Desperate Housewives – The Halloween episode

As we head toward saying goodbye to the ladies of Wisteria Lane, I can't help but wonder if we'll see them all end up in a jail cell ala the series finale of Seinfeld. Wouldn't that be a kicker?

The best part of the Halloween edition of Desperate Housewives for me this time around was Renee taking an overdose of her Chinese love herb concoction to ready herself for her seduction scene with Ben. After exhibiting some mild symptoms at first, the writers really notched it up to the unbelievable (as usual) and made her monstrous. Rash, welts, huge nose and all; it was the only time I laughed this week, as the trick or treaters of Wisteria Lane went howling into the night after she answered the door. Major fun! And it seems like her and Ben truly do like each other, and might end up the only good story at the conclusion of the series in May.

Lynette is now professing to want to salvage her marriage to Tom, and pleaded with his new girlfriend (who seems like a pleasant sort) to back off and let her try. Okay. Maybe she should have thought of this for the last few years we’ve seen her find fault with his every movement, belittle him, try to steal his job, mock him and generally not appreciate what was standing right in front of her. Look, Tom’s a bit of a dork. But he’s always been a nice dork.

Hey! I hear ya. The housewives are notoriously selfish. Gabby is the worst. I have to say, during the first few seasons she made me laugh. But I am so weary of her now. When she told Carlos she was worried about his drinking and they agreed he’d go to meetings, I thought “fine, she’s being caring for a change.” But then she goes and follows it up with “Oh and if you are an alcoholic? Promise me you won’t be one of those whining ones,” over her shoulder. Sometimes I just want to punch her in the boob. She doesn’t give a flying fig for her family or, more importantly, the angst Carlos is going through for murdering her step father as he attacked her. Nope. She’s much more concerned about a frog jumping on her while she’s in the car with Bree.  I don’t find this stuff amusing anymore.

You have to agree, Susan is the best of these chicks. She’s been consistently funny and sweet. She’s got a conscious. She continually has tried to help people that are put in her path over the years, whether they deserve it or not. This week, her obsession with her art teacher Andre, (I love you Miguel Ferrer!) continued as he wielded his wily ways on her to babysit his neglected son. Susan gave him a good talking to, as is her way, and he admitted he’ll try harder to be a good Dad. Although did you hear his warning to her? That true artists become consumed by their passion sometimes to the detriment of all else; even those they love? Huh. He’s said something along those lines to her a few times now. Foreshadowing? Of course!

At the conclusion of the show, we found out that the step father’s body can’t be dug up at all … someone’s already done so! *cue scary music* I’m sure we all saw this coming, because of the note Bree received a couple weeks ago that was just like the one Mary Alice got that started this whole DH ball rolling. You’re still following me after that last rather run on sentence, right? Good!

So … who is it? The One Who Knows? The cop Bree was dating? Mrs. McClusky? (That would be funny.) Paul somehow orchestrating this plot from jail? Did Mary Alice fake her own death all those years ago and it’s really her? Am I the one being paranoid now? Huh. Give me your thoughts or ask questions of your own!

Photo Credit: ABC

4 Responses to “Desperate Housewives – The Halloween episode”

October 31, 2011 at 1:23 AM

Thanks for pitching in this week! Appreciate it! And I totally agree with you about Lynette. I think I’ve had to complain about her in just about every post!

October 31, 2011 at 1:27 AM

I enjoyed it Chuck! And I hope you’re having the happiest of times right now …

October 31, 2011 at 6:55 PM

In the episode where Lynette had a nightmare about Gabby’s father and slept with Tom, didn’t Tom offer to go to counseling and try to work it out and Lynette say no? Forget Gabby, I want to punch Lynette in the boob!

December 3, 2011 at 12:33 PM


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