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Revenge – What is up with Tyler?

Emily doesn't seem to be the only one out for revenge anymore. Will Frank want revenge? And, what the heck is Tyler up to? Nothing good!

- Season 1, Episode 6 - "Intrigue"

Last week, I suggested that maybe it was Tyler who was shot on the beach and not Daniel. After this week’s Revenge, “Intrigue,” I really hope that it was Tyler. What an asshole! I don’t know what his story is, but I do know that he is up to no good. I’ve read speculation that Tyler is in love with Daniel and that could explain his actions, but I think it has more to do with money and influence.

Tyler’s story doesn’t add up. Daniel hasn’t even met Tyler’s family. The only glitch at this point is how did Tyler get into an exclusive and expensive school to befriend Daniel? He could be on scholarship, but wouldn’t the students know who the scholarship kids are? Tyler has gone to great extents to discredit Emily, while getting in the good graces of Victoria and Conrad. One thought I have is … could he be Conrad’s illegitimate child, who is back to get what he deems rightfully his? We know that Conrad is a cheater,as is Victoria, though she would have presumably been pregnant with Daniel at or near that time. What do you think Tyler is up to with the Graysons?

So, Lydia isn’t dead … yet. I did notice that her eyes moved after she fell on the car, but I really thought she was a goner. Between Emily, Tyler, Frank, and even Victoria, I’m not sure we need another character who is around with a grudge. I’d rather the Lydia story be over, but it looks like she will be back to wreak havoc in the Hamptons whether alive or dead. This situation did set up and intriguing story for Frank though.

If anyone is going to figure out the truth about Emily, it is Frank. I’d much prefer that Jack figure out she is his Amanda, but after their oceanside heart-to-heart I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Insert sad face! Emily truly seems to be falling for Daniel, which is definitely going to complicate her plans. How can she crush his parents without hurting him? Even if he wants independence from them, I don’t think he wants to see them destroyed.

Other stuff:

  • Declan and Charlotte are so adorable. I love that he was upfront with her about their family situation and she didn’t care.
  • Nolan better not abandon his girl Amanda. He promised her father he’d watch out for her and he better keep that promise. I don’t think he will be able to stay away though.
  • Will Jack fire Daniel? I’m guessing not and it is because of Emily. He won’t want her to think it is payback for her rejecting him. (Though, those tears … she does care deeply about Jack!)
  • If Daniel doesn’t question Tyler’s friendship next week, I’m not sure I can continue to like him.
  • I don’t like Frank, but I’m so glad he is sticking around. He is a complicated and intriguing character. Perhaps the only one who is up to finding Emily out. It will be a fun ride! Will Victoria continue a relationship with him or will she abandon him?
  • No Sammy! I miss that dog.


Photo Credit: ABC

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5 Responses to “Revenge – What is up with Tyler?”

October 28, 2011 at 11:09 AM

I don’t believe that Tyler’s related to one of the principals, but if he were Victoria’s son, he could easily have lied about being the same age as Daniel.

Now Charlotte being Emily’s half-sister, I could easily accept.

October 28, 2011 at 12:24 PM

True. I think it’s more likely he’s Conrad’s kid. And, Conrad probably doesn’t even know he had a kid. Or, if he did, disavowed him and that’s why Tyler wants what he sees as his.

I almost mentioned Charlotte in this post, but decided not to. I do think there is something up with her parentage, possibly being Emily’s half-sister. I’m not sure what it is, but that would explain the comments that Victoria made to her therapist.

October 28, 2011 at 12:49 PM

I definitely think that Tyler is in love with Daniel. In the scene in the bar when Tyler takes him to lie down, he almost kisses Daniel, and Daniel says “Get off me!” Later, Tyler slams his head into the pole outside to accuse Daniel.

October 28, 2011 at 5:27 PM

Tyler is a pretender a la Matt Damon in the Talented Mr. Ripley. I’m betting that as “roomies” in Harvard, him and Daniel explored, meaning there’s a gay skeleton in Daniel’s closet – which would explain his alcohol conflict. Tyler is probably nursing a fatal attraction because he believes him and Daniel ought to be together. In other words, more fun for viewers of all walks!

October 31, 2011 at 5:27 PM

Emily killed Daniel because she had sand on her hand.
Tyler is gay and tried to make out with Daniel, I feel sorry for Tyler because he has been in love with Daniel since school and did not have the nerve to tell Daniel that he is gay.

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