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Dexter – How will Dexter pay his debt to God?

Dexter makes an uncharacteristic plea to God for the safety of his son. When the time comes, will Dexter reneg on his promise, or will Brother Sam's word turn him into a different person altogether?

- Season 6, Episode 4 - "A Horse of a Different Color"

If there’s one sure thing the directors and actors on Dexter have been really good at, it’s conveying an expression of devotion in the faces of killers. I knew from the moment we saw the horses at the end of last week’s episode that Dexter would be completely enthralled at the handiwork of Travis and Gellar. We saw the same sort of expression from Travis, when the locusts were released from the greenhouse. Amazing how Dexter’s able to pick out that same “look” from someone in a crowd like that.

My favorite moment of this episode was by far the joint smoking between Quinn and Angel. The “Spill The Wine” song, the Trans-Am, and then the aftermath of paranoia and munchies. I have to admit that I thought this was going to lead into something awful happening to one of them later in the episode. Imagine if one of them was the one who tripped on the wire that killed that third victim — would that then cause an investigation, then a blood test? And then that would all come crashing down on Deb, as well, as she was in charge of the investigation. Add to that her “give it to them straight” attitude in public, and there’s a shit storm of trouble for a lot of people.

It’s no stretch to believe that Dexter’s plea to God during Harrison’s hospital stay will come up in a future episode, most likely the finale. Maybe he’ll ultimately let Travis go, when the opportunity arises? I predict the same sort of “seeing the light” moment that Brother Sam mentioned, though in a way I hope that doesn’t happen, as it’s just too predictable. I can see it now: Dexter’s about to make his kill, and a light shines in through the windows of Gellar’s hideaway, causing him to hold back … and it’s just lights from an incoming police chopper. Please no.

Being a father of a little boy, I always find it hard to watch someone else’s little boy in pain. Though this is a show about awful violence, it makes it no less cringe-worthy to see Harrison have to go under a surgeon’s knife. How can a child that age tell you he’s got pain in his back where an appendix is? How often do kids that age get appendicitis? Scary stuff.

Photo Credit: Randy Tepper/Showtime

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