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Dexter is too cool for high school

This season of 'Dexter' is filled with not one, not two, but ... well, a whole lot of new guest stars. Can the new Big Bad(s) this season measure up to seasons past?

- Season 6, Episode 1 - "Those Kinds of Things"

Unlike previous seasons, the sixth season premiere of Dexter didn’t really come out swinging. Perhaps this is because, unlike the gap between season four and five, there wasn’t a “ohmygod, what’s going to happen now?!” situation to look forward to. True, Deb did almost catch her brother red-handed in last season’s finale, but nothing of that was mentioned in this premiere.

This all is not to say that this episode wasn’t good. We very quickly got setup for what’s to come for the rest of the season, and it’s an extremely intriguing premise: what does Dexter think of God, if at all? In a way, it’s actually quite amazing that, in all of the pondering Dexter’s done about the right and wrongs of what he does and who he is, the topic of religion and the whole “thou shalt not kill” Commandment never really came up. It seems almost certain that, with what we’ve seen so far, a big part of this season will be about Dexter discovering the virtues of religion … and in the case of Edward James Olmos‘s and Colin Hanks‘s characters, the immoralities as well. The question is: what side will he find more of a connection with?

In the opening scene, it was very strange that Dexter would put on such a show before calling the paramedics in. I mean, why stumble around with a bloody knife like that? Why do that at all? Just a cheap show for us, the viewers?

It was also weird that he used defibrillator paddles to kill the paramedics, when he seems to sharp and pointy things more, with a side of bloodletting. It all seemed really risky, which I guess is par for the course for Dexter these days. He called in to 911 — which is always recorded — on a couple of guys who will likely be looked for later, when they turn up missing. They’ll track down the call, maybe the voice … risky. Was just an odd opening, to be sure, and it didn’t really bring me into the season like previous season premieres have.

The high school reunion was both funny and, again, odd. It was great to see that Dexter was actually considered popular now, since he had a “cool” job as compared to the rest of them, and the scenes with Harry were some of the best yet. But … someone please tell me: who has multi-day high school reunions? Hell, I know people my age who didn’t have one at all, never mind a party, touch football, and then another party! Oh, and blowjobs! Who blows a guy and … that’s it? Did that just happen?

The character with a storyline that has me interested is LaGuerta. She’s never really had a part in Dexter that interested me, but now, in her new position as Captain, I believe there could be a lot more to look forward to. For one thing, she’s turned to a whole new class of scumbag, in obtaining an unearned promotion. It’s not that what she had on Captain Matthews wasn’t bad, but the fact she used it to gain a promotion was just slimy. She’s been a major screw-up on several occasions, and there’s just no way she’s shown she’s earned her new title. So, with someone as shady as Matthews, I am wondering what’s coming up for her.

Quinn marrying Debra. … I can’t say I’m all that surprised, but I am finding it hard to believe it will come to actually happen. In fact, I wonder if Debra will have extreme cold feet when the time comes, since the last time it got that close was with the Ice Truck Killer (reference to “cold feet” pun not intended).

So, what’s coming next for our new Big Bads this season? The quote noted by each of them, regarding their first victim:

“And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name.”

Is from the Bible, Revelation 13:1. It refers to the  Devil making an appearance on Earth. So are we to take it that there are other passages these guys will make litteral? And what is their endgame? To possibly attempt to kill mass amounts of people? Are they attempting to bring forth Satan, or are they attempting to warn people? This early in the game, it’s difficult to guess, but I’m sure if their intentions are good that they won’t make for very good Dexter foils this season.

What did you think of the sixth season premiere?

“Man, I never saw anyone dicect a fetal pig as fast as you. You were like the first student ever to ask for seconds!” – Alan, Dexter’s old high school lab partner
“That was a great learning experience.” – Dexter

Photo Credit: Showtime

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3 Responses to “Dexter is too cool for high school”

October 3, 2011 at 9:43 AM

You forgot the best quote:
“Sorry, … hammer time.” after Dexter bashed the guys head in

October 3, 2011 at 11:22 AM

My high school always has 3 day reunions.Friday is casual night at a bar, Saturday is a dinner dance and Sunday is a picnic that kids can go to. My circle of friends always went to Friday night at the bar and then we were good for another 5 years. With our class I can definitely see the bj scenario happening. In fact I would put money on it that it did happen! lol

I can’t imagine that Deb and Quinn will get married. I never thought that Quinn would live this long. If he dies though, nobody will want to ever date Deb!

October 5, 2011 at 1:40 PM

I’m so going to enjoy this season :-)

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