CliqueClack TV

Vampire Diaries – Who does Stefan love more, Elena or Rebekah?

Stefan had a love, perhaps a deeper one than Katherine, that he didn't remember until tonight. Very interesting, but how does this change things?

- Season 3, Episode 3 - "The End of the Affair"

“So this is the famous Stefan Salvatore I’ve been hearing so much about. You’re right; he does have funny hair.” – Klaus

The entire basis of The Vampire Diaries has been the angst between the two brothers, Stefan and Damon, mostly because they loved the same woman in Katherine, and now the same woman in Elena. But tonight, we found out that Stefan had a love back when woman dressed with divine flair, instead of tastefully sleezy (or in Elena’s case, in lingerie), a love that may have been deeper than what he shared with either Katherine or Elena.

This fact could change this show in infinite ways, but the most pressing scenario was introduced at the end of the episode. Stefan was pretty firm in not wanting to go back home for Elena’s sake; not only to save her, but to spare her from having to witness his rehab that would likely take up half her life. He doesn’t think it can ever be the same. After Klaus gave Stefan his memory back, I’m thinking that Stefan could be right. He and Rebekah loved each other, he now remembers it and she’s back and beautiful. It’s just another reason for him to stay with Klaus, whom I believe he’s really starting to think of as a friend.

It’s interesting. Stefan must be so torn right now: a whole part of his life that he never remembered he had until now, wanting to be back with Elena, wanting to be the martyr, saving Damon and making up for ruining his life all those years ago.

But perhaps the most important question posed tonight: Who is Klaus running from? The all-powerful Klaus isn’t scared of much, so this is going to be good. Does it have something to do with Katherine, since she showed up at Gloria’s after the raid?

This and that:

  • “So, a hybrid walks into a bar … ” – Klaus, as he walks into a bar
  • Wow, things sure got complicated, knowing that Gloria needs Elena’s necklace to reverse the spell. It really all does come to Elena, doesn’t it?
  • Caroline’s mother has become all sorts of awesome; I am so glad she continues to believe in Caroline. Her dad totally sucks, though.



Photo Credit: Bob Mahoney/The CW

5 Responses to “Vampire Diaries – Who does Stefan love more, Elena or Rebekah?”

September 30, 2011 at 10:35 PM

Remember the episodes where Stephan joins the football team? Remeber when Damon felt bad for killing Lexi so he drank animal blood and he and Stephan played darts? Remember when Katherine was a bad guy? Remember when the characters used to keep diaries?

Where did that show go? I miss it. :(

October 3, 2011 at 12:01 PM

I dont miss Stephan joining the football team – I think we’ve gone beyond that now, but I do miss Katherine being very bad (although I think that role is supposed to be replace by Klaus). It was cool her helping out a bit but they need to make sure she says bad. Like when she had Jenna stab herself. Awesome!

How about that look Stephan gave Elena when he found her in the closet? These boys have excellent on screen chemistry with Miss Nina. Wonder if there is a little triangle in real life (only kidding).

The storylines and pacing of this show continue to impress me and I dont miss a thing. Klaus is an excellent villain and I continue to feel like my 1 hour a week is not enough!

October 24, 2011 at 6:24 PM

I totally agree with you I love Vampire Diaries. But now that I have seen a little more of season 3 and I bet you have 2. We got to see a little more of Ms.Katarina as Klaus calls her I can say she still is a minplative bitch just like Damon says. Stefan really is a pretty serious character too. No more football for ripper. But Rebbecca really thinks she is a new Caroline doesn’t she? What about Secert Circle did you like I haven’t really been watching it. I have been too impressed by Vampire Diaries and too hard to be watching that other show and just go through everything I just watched.
Please reply

October 27, 2011 at 9:31 PM

I love Stefan & Elena <3 support them :D Damon and Elena can not be with each other , Elena gave Stefan so many memories that they can not just forget about , so please we need more STELENA! I need them to get together and kiss already :D I love them together & can not imagine them with anyone else but themselves [:


January 22, 2012 at 11:10 AM

Stefan think Klaus as a friend yeah fucking right. Klaus took eveything from stefan. He tried to kill the women he loves and still does. Elena. Klaus made so that they couldn’t be together, yeah i am real sure that Stefan really is starting like him. anyway Stefan loves Elena more than he ever loved Kathrine and Rebekah oput together. Stefan loves elena so much that he could resist Klaus’s compelsion when he said kill Elena. now that is true love, and if you don’t see that ur not very smart then, no affense. but i do wish more then anything, about this show anyway, that Stefan would just go back to Elan and be his normal nice cute guy.

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