CliqueClack TV

Glee – A tale of two Tonys. And enough Streisand already!

'Glee' is taking on my favorite movie and musical, 'West Side Story'! About time, I say. But, can we do everything with a little less Barbra Streisand please?

- Season 3, Episode 2 - "I Am a Unicorn"

Idina Menzel returns to "Glee"

Alright. Looking back, I guess there’ve only been seven Barbra Streisand songs on Glee so far. So why does it seem like so many more? Maybe because Lea Michele and Chris Colfer can kick ‘em out like nobody’s business, which makes them very memorable. Or maybe, as in tonight’s episode, Rachel and company choose to perform a lot of songs Streisand has covered, and sing them in the same exact key, with the same exact phrasing. In any case, I need a break from the “Streisandy,” please.

It’s not that I don’t appreciate her. I adored her back when I was in theater in high school. Even used a song for a college audition piece. (“More Than You Know,” from Funny Lady, if you’re wondering.) So many of us “would be’s” can completely identify with Rachel’s (et al) fascination.

It’s just simply, that I’ve grown up. And caught a couple of specials and interviews about and with Barbra. She’s a major pain in the ass. She asks for over-the-top things … like for her microphone to be painted white to match her outfit. The interviews with Oprah were especially annoying. I felt like maybe she was expecting me to genuflect toward my television. (In my defense, I only watched to see Robert Redford, and even he looked like he couldn’t stand her.)

So I was chagrined when the producers chose to showcase two of tonight’s only three songs in a Streisandy way. First, Rachel and her birth mother, Shelby Corcoran (Idina Menzel) bond over singing “Somewhere” as a duet. Yes, it was lovely. Yes, they’re both super talented. But! They performed the “BS” version, which Barbra covered, instead of even trying to make it original. Or even true to the stage or film production. Then! Kurt, auditioning for the part of Tony, actually chooses “I’m the Greatest Star” from Funny Girl? No! Say it isn’t so! Why would Kurt not use his noggin and sing “Maria”, or “Tonight”? Both are poingnant and heart wrenching songs of Tony’s character. Sigh.

Because, as usual, Kurt needs to go waaay over the top and only sing songs a girl would sing? I’m getting a bit pissed off. You see, West Side Story, to me, is my favorite film. The songs are beyond compare, with lyrics by Steven Sondheim and music by none other than Leonard Bernstein. Possibly, they could be given their due. Geez! Madonna and Lady Gaga were featured in a better way!

At least, in the last three minutes — Blaine‘s character redeemed the night, with an actual song from the show that Tony performs. (Which rather confused me also, as if Blaine really did want the part of Bernardo or Officer Krupke to insure Kurt would “get” Tony, he would have done “America”, or not sang at all. Officer Krupke doesn’t sing, ya know.) At least Blaine made me happy in kicking “Something’s Coming” out of the ballpark. It happens to be the song closest to my heart in the whole production, for some reason. Oh! I forgot! That reason would have been my intense crush on Richard Beymer back in The Day. Silly me.

I wonder … so far this season, the musical numbers on Glee have been rather few and far between. In the season premiere, as well as tonight? We had to wait almost twenty minutes for the first number to surface. Huh. The music is what kept me coming back the first two seasons.  And I know, that is what some critics were, um … critical of. As in, making the plot fit the songs, instead of the plot driving it all forward. I thought I had the best of both! Now I’m not so sure.

Yep. We have a lot of drama going on with relationships and such. But where’s my music? I liked the themes and featured artists! And I know, from the great success of the Glee soundtracks, that the music was making hella money and getting massive amounts of attention.

So, what gives? And what do you think? Are you happier with less musical numbers?

And yes, the dialogue is funny. But Brittany needs to stop mumbling, and Sue needs to stop speaking so incredibly fast so we can catch it. Some of us aren’t teens who will take the time to rewind over and over again to understand something. I’ve got Big Girl stuff to do.

Ya know?  However, if you’ve not yet had your fill of Streisand-by-way-of-Glee, we’ve got the links to the songs featured on this week’s show from iTunes.


Photo Credit: Fox

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | Glee | TV Shows |

22 Responses to “Glee – A tale of two Tonys. And enough Streisand already!”

September 28, 2011 at 8:32 AM

I was hoping to hear more music too.My thought was maybe they were saving some of the songs for when we see them do the actual production?

I loved Burt’s advice to Kurt..about knowing who he was. Something about singing like Diana Ross and dressing like he owned a chocolate factory!

September 28, 2011 at 12:06 PM

Burt’s comments were good, I agree Toni. They weren’t too serious, but got the point across.

September 28, 2011 at 9:06 AM

I wouldn’t say that I have my finger on the pulse of popular music right now, but the music on this show has excelled when it was BALANCED. I always thought it was great to bring older or obscure music to the tweens (Keeping in mind that I’m referring to showtunes and the constant barrage of Streisand (Journey’s got nothing on Babs these days) songs as obscure only from the perspective of the kids) was a cool byproduct of Glee.

But now, between too much Sue (A lesson I thought they were beginning to learn last year), too many story lines focused on the adults in general, and all around ridiculousness, Glee is on the verge of loosing me forever.

September 28, 2011 at 12:09 PM

Ivey, I too loved the fact that older tunes were being reintroduced. They seem to have strayed from the original concept, musically. Hopefully, it will get back on track. Maybe you should give it at least until the seniors graduate before you are “gone forever.”

September 28, 2011 at 1:49 PM

Not sure … I’ve invested a lot of time in this show, so it will be hard to stop watching (Something I’ve tried, with Gossip Girl and Smallville as example, several times. Once I’m in, I just have to see where the story goes, even as much as I might dislike it.

September 28, 2011 at 9:26 AM

. . . . .

With West Side Story featured, you must have been beside yourself, Tara …

September 28, 2011 at 12:10 PM

That I was, Michael! I was beside myself, around myself, and in between!

September 28, 2011 at 10:37 AM

I agree on Kurt’s song choice, it made no sense for him to not sing either ‘maria’ or ‘tonight’ — after all, if you’re trying out for the role of Tony then by god you should sing one of that characters songs! It seemed contrived by the end, because obviously they needed a reason for Blaine to end up somehow being offered the role of Tony. As I watched the season premiere I bet my friend it would take one episode before they did something like this to try and cause friction between Kurt and Blaine.

The upside of having Blaine change schools is maybe we won’t be subjected to having Finn in all the male showcases. The downside is I rather liked the Warblers.

September 28, 2011 at 12:14 PM

Kasey, I didn’t see that one coming last week, as you did. But it will make sense if Kurt throws a hissy, as he’s so focused on getting that role to help his chances at NYAofDA. Sigh. Kurt’s starting to get on my nerves.

September 28, 2011 at 10:44 AM

I just didn’t get Kurt’s logic at all. He’s going out for the tough guy male lead, so he sings Streisand? When that doesn’t make him seem macho enough, he throws on a pair of tights? This is all especially maddening as Kurt seemed plenty macho when he had that identity crisis and dated Brittany and sang John Cougar Mellancamp last season.

September 28, 2011 at 12:17 PM

Good point, Kelley!

September 28, 2011 at 11:32 AM

Loves me some Idina Menzel, Rent is on my permanent playlist :-)

September 28, 2011 at 12:15 PM

Thanks for the reminder, bronsont! “Seasons of Love” is getting downloaded to my phone right now!

September 28, 2011 at 1:51 PM

There are two incredibly good versions of Defying Gravity and No Day But Today that she recorded live at Soundstage for her self-titled debut:

September 28, 2011 at 11:33 AM

I think they are probably trying to save the “good” songs from West Side Story for later in the season.
And thanks for the comments about Brittany mumbling – i could not understand a word she said, other than unicorn!

September 28, 2011 at 12:16 PM

Diane, it’s always been my pet peeve about Brittany. What good are fantastic lines if no one hears them?

September 28, 2011 at 12:39 PM

Hmmmm, I have a slightly different reaction to this episode, but I do agree that the choices they gave Kurt for song and costume only demonstrate why I had to give up writing about the show — character inconsistency. I’m sure any real-life Kurt would have better sense when trying out for a particular role. (And where did he come up with those costumes? The school just had them laying around? Most schools rent costumes like that.) And I, too, am disappointed that they seem to be treating last season as “Pam Ewing’a dream” (i.e. it didn’t exist in the show’s timeline) by having Sue revert to her “I must destroy glee” behavior after calling a truce.

That being said, I actually enjoyed this episode because there was some good character development with Quinn (nice twist at the end — my heart fell when we found out she only changed the outside), Rachel, Puck and even Finn grew a little. I definitely do not have a problem with the lack of music (there have been other episodes in the past that have only had a few songs). I do have a problem when they shoe-horn music into the show at the cost of the story. I hated most of the theme shows last season just for that reason. I don’t care what music they use, past or present, as long as it works to compliment the story. I don’t know if anyone breaking into song in the middle of a dramatic scene this week would have made sense unless they went the Chicago route and made the songs “fantasy” sequences in the characters’ heads. So, except for the issues with Kurt and Sue, and Brittany’s mumbling, I thought this was a good episode. If all the viewers want is wall-to-wall music, then watch the Glee movie — no pesky plot there!

September 28, 2011 at 1:52 PM

“….most schools rent costumes like that….”



September 28, 2011 at 3:10 PM

I know, I know. My Spock-like brain just can’t help it.

September 28, 2011 at 6:25 PM

Dammit Chuck! You’re a writer, not a doctor! (Oh sorry, that’s Bones, isn’t it?)

September 28, 2011 at 1:18 PM

yep, yep, yep … agreed. A major league WTF!? And my son can testify that I literally said, “you sing a song FROM the show you’re auditioning for… yipes!” If they wanted him over-the-top girly, he could have performed “I feel pretty” for corn-sake.

September 28, 2011 at 2:18 PM

I LOVE GLEE! This episode made me think, laugh, sing a long and I’m going to make it a point to watch “West Side Story” this weekend. My 13 year old daughter & I await with childlike anticipation each week to see what they’re going to do. There is NO OTHER show like this and there hasn’t been in many, many, many moons. It’s bold, fealess and totally fun. It reaches deep but does it in the most relatable and respectful way. I love all the twists & turns they take with the characters. The writing is amazing but the delivery leaves me in awe of all the talent that show is packed with…..LOVE LIVE GLEE!!!!

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