CliqueClack TV

Boardwalk Empire – Welcome back to the AC

'Boardwalk Empire' returned this week with more lavish production values, gun fights, politics, and hooch! Grab your bottle of bootlegged whiskey and let's talk about HBO's flashy period drama.

- Season 2, Episode 1 - "21"

It was nice to slip back into the world of Boardwalk Empire this week, wasn’t it? It was nice to revisit such a lavishly produced, good looking drama. Aside from the production value, I was also excited to check back in with the unique, and often intriguingly bizarre, characters of Boardwalk Empire. While the first episode of season two opened with a bang, overall it seemed like a quiet reintroduction to the characters and situations in Atlantic City.

Since watching The Wire, I’ve been a huge fan of Michael K. Williams, and I hope that this opening episode is a sign that Chalky White will be playing a bigger part in the new season. Another character I am hoping to see more of is Richard Harrow. He was definitely my favorite minor character from the first season, and it seemed like the show was trying to add a little more depth to his character this evening. It was heartbreaking seeing him scrapbook after asking Jimmy what it was like to have everything. I’m hoping that we get to see Harrow find some happiness this season — you know, outside of killing people for the mob.

Nelson continues to be one of the more fascinating characters to watch, and Michael Shannon does such an excellent job being stoic and unstable at the same time. I was a little disappointed that we only got the briefest of looks at his situation with Lucy. That’s sure to be one of the odder relationships on the show this year and I’m looking forward to seeing how much trouble Lucy can cause for our favorite prohibition agent.

We didn’t get a whole lot of insight into the workings of the Commodore/Jimmy/Eli marriage from the end of last season, but it seems like Nucky may have more to worry about than those closest to him making a play for his power. The episode ended with Nucky being arrested for election fraud. I can’t help but wonder if the two things aren’t related, though. Could this be the beginning of their plan to take Nucky down and take Atlantic City?

There were some great character moments in this opener. I enjoyed all the scenes with Nucky and Margaret. It’s clear that Nucky is a nurturer, particularly with those he cares for. He practically raised Jimmy, perhaps more than any of us realized before this episode. We also saw it with little Teddy, who got off pretty light for playing with matches at school. I think this going to define a lot of the season, particularly with the relationship between Nucky and Jimmy. Will Jimmy be able to put all the fond memories of Nucky behind him in order to take him down? Will Nucky have to pay for his kindness? Or will it be that kindness that eventually brings Jimmy back to his side? I’ll be watching to find out.

Photo Credit: HBO

2 Responses to “Boardwalk Empire – Welcome back to the AC”

September 26, 2011 at 1:38 AM

Once the baby is born, Nelson will take her for a “nice outing at the lake” then give the baby to his wife, is my guess.

Same plan – the states jurisdiction.

I think Jimmy will help Nucky in the end. It just makes sense.

October 2, 2011 at 1:28 AM

Bsgfan2003, good reading your post on this show again.

Are we the only people who love this show?

I laughed at comment concerning Nelson but he is crazy. Where did he get the money that he gave to Lucy? He can barely support his wife and he on his salary. He took his wife out to a nice anniversary dinner, gave her a nice cameo brooch as a gift and is supporting two households because his wife and he live separately. Where is he getting the money all of a sudden?

I agree with you about Jimmy (below are my last comments on this show, from December 2010). He really loves Nucky. The father is too old, just getting over an illness, isn’t very intelligent and has really been out of it since being released from prison. He can’t do much with Nucky. He actually believes that Jimmy is so happy to have a relationship with him and so hungry for power that he will more than willingly to do the muscle to take over Atlantic City, mainly, from Nucky.

Tell me the mother, Gillian, won’t use what she heard and saw while visiting the Commodore at some point? Did you see the look she gave Elias as he was leaving? Hmm, maybe he is Jimmy’s father?

I actually thought that Richard was falling in love with Margaret but now he seems interested in Angela. Or is just very anxious for a family?

This season should be even better than last season. I watched all of the background shows on HBO for season two and I can hardly wait to watch this series week to week.


December 6, 2010 at 4:13 PM

I’m going to miss reading your piece on this show. Too comments on this website from others.


I think that you’re reading Jimmy incorrectly. First off don’t forget the book given to Nucky by the Commodore’s departing maid. I think it contained information about visitors and phone calls to that house along with other helpful things for Nucky.

Too, Nucky swiftly put Eli back in control and dismissed Jimmy. I think that Eli doesn’t “believe in blood being thicker than water” and Jimmy will be loyal to Nucky. He loves him and was hurt when Nucky didn’t think of him “as a son”. But I think Nucky did to both, Jimmy and Eli what he did because of what he read in the book and to test the loyalties of the both of them. Jimmy will win that one in the end.

Eli is jealous of Nucky. Their father and he have the same ideas about him. The father loves Eli because he is blue collar, a cop and is bothered by the fact, though via illegal activities Nucky has surpassed the both of them. Nucky is a hood but he is very intelligent. Eli and dear old dad aren’t intelligent.

Angela is confused. Not only in love but she wants Europe. Jimmy realized that when he saw that she changed her hairstyle. She has not fully devoted herself to him, their relationship.

Margaret came to understand that she loves the lifestyle provided by Nucky. Especially for her children. She tried to act like the “rag” found in her slice of cake didn’t bother her but she was perturbed by it. I think that you’re correct that she is falling in love with him but I’m happy that Nucky made her return to him. She is smart and will be very loyal to him I think. He really trusts her and wants her and her children like he has never wanted or needed people previously.

Van Alden and Lucy as parents. I can’t stop laughing. When the man told Van Alden that a woman was there to see him, I think he actually thought it was Margaret. He should be busy next season. Not only dealing with Lucy and their child (please don’t miscarry), his own wacko demons but let us not forget that murder that involved him.

Just loved the nasty looks, comments, smart-aleck remarks and so-called business agreement between Johnny Torrio, Al Capone, Arnold Rothstein, Nucky and Jimmy on that dusty road.

Season finale anti-climatic? That’s because we are spoiled by one-themed murders, pregnancies, will they get married…etc…season finales to some of our favorite other shows. BE left many unanswered questions that will slowly be fleshed out, or not in the upcoming seasons.

Yes, I love this show.

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