CliqueClack TV

Wilfred – Sacrifice … and more signs

The penultimate episode of this season's 'Wilfred' lends to the power of dreams and how they hold sway over us - for good and bad.

- Season 1, Episode 12 - "Sacrifice"

“Love is a willingness to sacrifice.”
– Michael Novak

Did you ever see The Red Balloon?

It was an annual staple in my grade school, a treat I and many of my classmates looked forward to each and every year. I remember being fascinated by it the first time I saw it … and that fascination still holds true today. It’s an Oscar-winning French film short (with but a hint of dialog) about a boy who is befriended by a seemingly sentient red balloon. It is filled with wonder and sacrifice and longing and hope … just like this episode of Wilfred. So it was completely appropriate imagery from The Red Balloon was used to great effect here.

A balloon was present throughout “Sacrifice”: Ryan bought one for the beautiful Italian Cinzia upon meeting her for the very first time … that same balloon led him into his courtroom nightmare which was the watershed moment of the episode … and it was ultimately sacrificed itself — along with Ryan’s dream of heading to Italy with Cinzia — by none other than our titular Wilfred.

Speaking of Ryan’s courtroom nightmare: If you’ve been watching the show all this time and haven’t caught a clue Wilfred doesn’t hold enormous sway over our faltering, underdog hero, you’ve been too busy looking for the next knuckle-dragging joke or situation to arise. There’s so much more packed into it than appears on the surface … and some pretty cerebral stuff, too. While I freely admit the show muddles my brain at times with its juvenile fluff, it does throw us a bone by offering interesting and spiffy concepts now and again.

Did this episode hold true to the possibility Ryan is dead? You betcher Buster Browns it did, Bobo-Nose. You need go no further than look at the underlying statements said by both Cinzia and Wilfred at the beginning and end of the episode, respectively:

“Never underestimate the power of a dream.”


  • Interesting and revealing to see Ryan’s job held as much muck-raking as it did. He was an expert at digging up dirt on his opponents’ clients to sully their reputations.
  • Wilfred speaks Italian. Who knew?
  • Guffaw worthy moment of the show for me: Drew’s (Chris Klein) monosyllabic (and approving?) “Bro!” when he realizes Ryan is pining for both Cinzia and his girlfriend Jenna during the nightmarish courtroom scene.
  • Forget his misunderstood yearning for Jenna: Ryan had the opportunity to break free from the idea of Wilfred in this episode by heading abroad with Cinzia … but his wimpy-ness won through once more, as it so often has in the past. Bonehead.


  • “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Ryan.” — Wilfred
  • “Ryan, I’ve always had your best interests at heart. But I’ve never asked for anything in return … except for a bunch of stuff.” — Wilfred

Photo Credit: Films Montsouris

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows | Wilfred |

7 Responses to “Wilfred – Sacrifice … and more signs”

September 3, 2011 at 5:58 AM

You should try numerology. Retrofitting preconceived notions seems to be something you are good at.

September 3, 2011 at 10:34 AM

. . . . .


The thing about numerology? (I mean, beside the fact it’s absolute bullshit like astrology and more?) There’s just too many damned numbers. Rather off-putting … wouldn’t you say?

Now … stick me in the circus with a sandwich board strapped over my shoulders that says I Am Not The Penguin Boy … and then you’d be talkin’ … !!! That’s where my preconceived notions would certainly shine!

“Look! The sun!”

“Look! She’s walking!”

“Look! There’s air beside him!”

September 4, 2011 at 6:45 PM

So did you catch the preview after the credits? Wilfred mentioning the Smoke Monster. Him telling Ryan he’s dead?

I guess we’ll see who’s right during the finale.

September 4, 2011 at 7:44 PM

. . . . .

You may be surprised …

September 4, 2011 at 11:12 PM

You got me to give “Wilfred” another chance, and in doing so I looked up a couple of articles about the series and its past life in Australia. From what I gather, the creators of the show want to keep Ryan’s state of existence ambiguous…permanently. It seems they’re perfectly happy with the situation and feel it makes the show more enjoyable for everyone on both sides of the television.

So we may have to move that question into the permanently-unanswered bin along with “How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?” I can live with that. No pun intended. Okay maybe a little, but only because I’m cheap like that.

September 5, 2011 at 1:23 AM

At the moment I am pretty pleased that my Lost connection that irritated you so much was made by the authors. I was being diplomatic last night but to be honest – I feel I’ve “won” in a way already.

But hey you can still get a tie if they ever mention “Dead like Me”

September 5, 2011 at 10:10 PM

Sebastian, I think you’re confusing “comments” with “contests.” With the exception of the prize packs given away in some posts I don’t think there are ever winners or losers. We just discuss television shows and what we think about them, it doesn’t always have to be adversarial.

Even if “Wilfred” does offer up a specific explanation for Ryan’s state of existence the only thing gleaned from that will be who guessed correctly, if anyone at all. Someone may end up guessing it, but how that makes anyone a winner, or a loser, is unfathomable in any real sense.

But I suppose if it affords buoyancy to your watercraft…

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