CliqueClack TV

Breaking Bad – Hank’s back

It appears my initial assessment of Hank's recovery and abilities was rather shortsighted. In what seemed to amount to perhaps a few weeks' time, Hank is not only back on his feet, but he's so incredibly close to Gus Fring's business that he's skipping right over Walter's involvement.

- Season 4, Episode 7 - "Problem Dog"

The timing between the last episode and this one seemed a bit confusing, and all of that wouldn’t have been the case if it wasn’t for Walt Junior’s car. Last week he got the car and we learned it was being returned. This week we saw it … being returned, so there’s not a lot of time that could have elapsed there. So Hank made miraculous strides in his recovery and was able to make incredible advancement in the Gale case in what appears to be a very short amount of time. I guess a lot can be said for how well being happy and positive works for one’s physical health, and Hank’s clearly happiest when he’s nailing drug criminals — especially one he’s been itching to nab for a while now.

One of the most stand-out moments of this season — and perhaps the series — was Jesse’s speech in the addict’s circle. He spoke so many truths of what’s bugged me and him about that circle and its leader. Did he come away with it feeling better at all? I nearly thought he was going to simply blurt out that he had killed a person, but that would have blown up in his face pretty damned fast, especially when he was slapped down for it being a dog he said he killed. What we’re getting out of his situation is that he wants punishment of some kind for what he did, because someone like Gale shouldn’t be brought down without someone paying for it. To Jesse, that means he should have to pay for it, but maybe he’ll feel a whole lot better if things are evened out somehow with someone else taking the fall? Someone who’s equally to blame for the deed having to be done? Maybe that’s Fring, or maybe it’s Mike … or even Walter?

These days it seems Jesse hates Walter more than any of them. It seems Jesse’s all but forgotten why he had to kill Gale in the first place, and apparently that reasoning isn’t good enough for him. I’ve said before that I can’t see those two ever becoming best of friends, so, in the end, it’s likely one of them is going to have to go. I’m not saying soon, but in the end …

Seeing Jesse reconsider his attempt to take out Fring with the poison perhaps shows that he’s ready to clean up his act and redeem himself. It could simply have been a bout of cowardice, but I doubt it.

Apparently some sort of drug family feud is going to happen soon, and how that’s going to play out with what Hank’s getting brewing with the DEA is going to be interesting to guess about and eventually see. Any predictions?

Photo Credit: AMC

One Response to “Breaking Bad – Hank’s back”

August 30, 2011 at 1:03 PM

It wouldn’t surprise me at all to see the contents of Jesse’s “lucky cigarette” get used on Walt at the series’ end. Especially in light of Walt’s crack about using Gus’s lab to make the means of his demise.

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