CliqueClack TV

Rookie Blue – The beginning of the end of Peck and Diaz?

I couldn't believe the results of last week's poll about Peckstein. Moreover, I couldn't believe how quickly this storyline is moving in this week's episode.

- Season 2, Episode 10 - "Best Laid Plans"

Honestly, CliqueClack readers, I don’t even know you anymore … Last week, I asked you all if the pairing of Dov Epstein and Gail Peck on Rookie Blue was a good idea. Your response astounds me … by just over a 2 to 1 margin, you’re for Peckstein. Which means, being the political spinster that I once aspired to be, I can only derive one real conclusion: You all hate Chris Diaz.

Diaz has been the nicest guy on the planet in two seasons of Rookie Blue. In fact, that “niceness” is what makes he and Peck work together as a couple. Like Paula Abdul (before she went bat-shit crazy) and MC Skat Kat taught us, opposites attract. Pairing her off with Dov might make some sense on paper; love triangles are like crack to fans of relationships-in-the-workplace shows, they just can’t get enough. But to split Diaz and Peck (Whom, let’s not forget, were born out of a split between Diaz and his too-good-to-be-true fiancé) just to force she and Epstein together? Well, that’s just plain silly. It destroys two great friendships; one older (the boys), and another much newer (Peck and Epstein, who are much better as cantankerous friends than they will ever be as lovers … write that down).

On the new relationships that DO make sense front, it looks like Sam Swarek are going to hit another bump in the road. Telling a guy you’re in, only to find that he’s already gone undercover … it’s not exactly a clichéd TV trope, but it sure is a variation of one. To be completely honest, it is only that it is a manufactured obstacle that bothers me. I don’t mind a little slow burn, in fact, I think it will be good for their relationship. But let’s not go overboard, shall we?

I hated the way her “case of the week” story ended though. McNally worked so damn hard to save Kathleen Robertson’s character … and she thought that she succeeded. When she found out from Williams that the woman had died at the hospital, it was a gut punch for me, so you know it had to suck for the cop who risked her life to save the woman.

Notes & Quotes

  • “Sometimes the best way to get over somebody is to get under somebody else.” – Nash


Photo Credit: ABC

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