CliqueClack TV

Futurama – Grand Master Phlegm and LL Fool J

Kinda odd to see an episode about cold and ... colds now, at the near-end of the summer. Here are some of the best quotes from this episode of 'Futurama'. Any great ones you liked that are missing here?

- Season 6, Episode 24 - "Cold Warriors"

“We’re following you, but not on Twitter.” – Opening title card

“Help! I’m drowning!” – Fry
“Don’t worry, son. You’ll freeze before you drown.” – Fry’s dad

“I shouldn’t be out in this cold. I have no protective fat, hair or warm blood. I’m not even legally a mammal.” – Professor

“Brr. Can we get inside the shack? I’m wearing a belly parka!” – Amy

“If I understand ice fishing — and I’m pretty sure I don’t — we’ll need to laser blast a hole in the ice.” – Leela
“No. No crazy technology. Here, Bender, use your immense robotic strength to drill a hole the old-fashioned way.” – Bender
“I don’t see the irony in that.” – Bender

“Nobody cut me any slack when I broke my spine. Didn’t even take a day off of work. Lotta people depend on you when you sell trampolines door-to-door.” – Fry’s dad

“I’m not sure science is your thing, seeing how that chimp at the zoo tricked you out of your allowance.” – Fry’s dad

“You are hereby quarantined until such time as it is deemed safe to enter and shoot your asses.” – URL

“The so-called ‘common cold’, introduced by living fossil Philip J Fry, is spreading out of control. All citizens are advised to wash their hands thoroughly, after beating up Philip J Fry.” – Linda the news reporter

“Absurd. You really think your guinea pig can survive the vacuum of space?” – Gedgie
“He already survived in the vacuum of my mom … I mean my mom’s vacuum!” – Fry

Photo Credit: Comedy Central

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