CliqueClack TV

Hell’s Kitchen – Of rivalry and unfairness

A double dose of Hell's Kitchen this week sends two chicks to slaughter before their time. One I'm rather glad to see go, and the other one? Well, she got the proverbial shaft.

- Season 09, Episode 10, 11 - ""8,Chefs Compete, 7 Chefs Compete""

Before I get started, I just have to say that it’s good to be back to writing for CliqueClack again, after a bit of an unexpected sabbatical. I’ve missed you all, but real life intervened in quite unexpected ways over the last 10 days or so.  Here’s a public thanks t0 KeithDebbie and Michael for the support and understanding.

Having said that, I’ve also missed My Gordon. Yeesh! I’ve barely had time to stalk the estate lately, or make any obsessive calls. My spies tell me he’s been acting very strange without me, crying and repeating my name over and over between takes; yet he’s hiding it well on the surface. I bet you couldn’t even sense his anguish over my absence on this week’s episodes of Hell’s Kitchen, could you? Yet …

I saw his secret message to me in the first hour, when he dumped my rival Carrie. Besides her inability to pass the blind taste test (proving she has a crappy palate) and her constant down slide low these last weeks, I’m glad he did that for me. Bravo Gordon!

But! As far as ousting Natalie in the second hour? I’m not on board. Natalie should not have gone home yet. Yes, I saw that she can’t cook bass. I’m not blind. However, the Elise and Elizabeth debacles were much worse in the Red Kitchen.

Elizabeth was making me nervous! I can’t imagine what it would be like to be her teammate. The stuttering and repetitive “I’m sorry, I’m sorry chef, I’m sorry … sorry chef.” Good golly! And what is up with that look on her face during service? Is it panic or dread or confusion? If my Mom was right, and your face can freeze in certain positions? Girl in trouble. Although she did do well in the first challenge, and Natalie didn’t. That’s fair to say; but sometimes Gordon needs to look at the larger picture.

Natalie was moved to, and saved the Blue Team. She’s been solid (except for those times she partied a bit too hard with the boys), and basically was trusted with a lot. She waaay is more qualified to handle the prize job as head chef of BLT in New York than Elizabeth. In my wildest dreams (and I have some fairly crazy dreams) I couldn’t imagine working for or with her in a high pressure atmosphere. Unless I had some tranquilizers and good tunes on my Ipod. Even then, though …

As far as Elise goes. I’ve said it before and I will again. She’s arrogant and cunning, and although she isn’t a bad cook?  She’s like a spider that you can’t reach on the ceiling of your bathroom. Right now, it can be there and cause a bit of apprehension and distress to the people around. But eventually, it’s gotta get squashed.

This week, I would have taken her jacket just for the lie she told about Tommy scoring the wellingtons and ruining them. Elise points her finger so much, I’m surprised she doesn’t have a bad case of carpal tunnel. I’m getting very weary of it.

So? Jennifer is stepping up, Will and Paul are still positive lurkers. Overall though? This is the weakest bunch of characters on this show yet.

Your thoughts?

Photo Credit: FOX

9 Responses to “Hell’s Kitchen – Of rivalry and unfairness”

August 23, 2011 at 7:50 AM

Carries wasn’t a good cook, and as for Elise – well I hate her more then Carrie..and Natalie is completely yummy and I want to make babies with her ;) oh yeah and she shouldn’t have gone.

Wil FTW!

August 23, 2011 at 12:50 PM

While I completely missed Natalie’s yumminess, I do agree with you, um … Mr. Me, that Wil has a chance. Thanks for the comment!

August 24, 2011 at 8:50 AM

What was meaning to say is that Carrie although annoying was picked on and I hate people who bully, hence I can’t stand Elise’s guts.

As for Natalie’s yumminess, well she did win miss east kentucky in 2008 –

So I am not as weird as you think I am…

August 24, 2011 at 10:08 AM

I never said you were weird, Mr. Me. I just said, I myself missed it …

August 23, 2011 at 10:55 AM

IMO, Gordan made the wrong choice. Carrie should have been spared for at least another week. If I recall, someone in a prior episode was caught lying and was immediately dismissed. Elise, by attempting to throw Tommie under the bus by lying about his preparation, should have suffered the same consequence. She is by far the most arrogant, big mouth contestant ever on this show, and perhaps all reality shows.

As I’ve stated previously, for all the Survivor viewers, Elise makes Russell Hantz look like likable.

I hope Gordan has plans to dismiss her in the most painful manner possible because she is one nasty bitch.

August 23, 2011 at 12:53 PM

Bob, you’ve got a point. Yet. Elise is no Omarosa.
That one? She was the queen.

August 23, 2011 at 11:37 AM

. . . . .

Carrie should have stayed … Elise should have gotten the boot.

And yes: This is the weakest bunch of chefs the show has ever displayed in the run of seasons.

Nice to see you back, delusions of Gordon still intact …

August 23, 2011 at 12:56 PM

Thanks Michael, but I’m not delusional. Unless you count the hearing voices and seeing things part.

August 24, 2011 at 9:52 AM

I disagree that this group of contestants are weak in comparison to other seasons. I’d take Will, Paul, or Jennifer (or even Natalie) over anybody who was on the show last season.

Elise’s days are numbered. Ramsay keeps her around because conflict makes for good TV, and he’s got the bottom line to think about rather than just getting rid of the worst chef every week (Top Chef and even MasterChef, I think, are a lot less prone to this shameless ratings grabbing). As we’ve seen time and again, it doesn’t matter how good a cook you are if you can’t deal with people and don’t have a realistic self-image. Once she’s gone, though, we’re left without a villain, and that can be a problem for reality TV. Not to say I don’t want her out like, three weeks ago…

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