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Diary of a True Blood Virgin – GODRIC, NOOOOO!

You maniacs! You blew him up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell! ... I'm talking to the writers, of course.

2.9 I Will Rise Up
“A human with me at the end…and human tears. Two Thousand years, I can still be surprised. In this I see God.” — Godric

OK, so I’m not really outraged that they killed Godric. He wanted to die, which finally explains why he let himself be taken by the Fellowship. After 2,000 years, I’m surprised he’s even still sane (although Eric would have to disagree). The fact that he was able to function after all the horrors he’s committed and finally understanding that killing innocent people is wrong is kind of amazing. Still, just last episode I was so happy to find a vampire character that wasn’t a complete dick, and then they kill him off. I’m still a little mad about that. I’m sure we will see flashbacks of him in later seasons, but he won’t be the same Godric that I liked in the last couple episodes.

Jesus, just when I was getting to like Eric. By tricking Sookie into taking his blood, he’s made it really hard for me to believe in their future relationship. Who’s to say everything she feels for him doesn’t just stem from his blood? Yes, Bill let her feed from him in season one, but that was different. For one, it was to save her life. For another, Sookie was attracted to Bill before this happened. Eric making her feed just seems creepy and manipulative. Speaking of manipulative, I hate Hoyt’s mom more with every episode.

2.10 New World in My View
“Bullshit, God has horns!” — Terry

OK, I will say this is when things get fun. I’m actually really enjoying the townspeople hypnotized into pagan worshiping hedonists. Maybe it’s because the show seems to be taking itself less seriously, while keeping the creepiness. Yes, it is a little scary to know that at any time you could see some older, overweight naked people, but Terry as the hypnotized leader is really fun to watch. Maybe my favorite part of the episode is when Jason threatens Arlene, which is only encouraged by Arlene and the chaos-filled mob … except Terry. Even brain washed by an ancient sorceress, Terry loves Arlene so much. How can you not be a fan of Terry?

Jason is clever in this episode. I’m going to repeat that … Jason is clever in this episode. He’s still ridiculous, but he also saves Andy and Sam. Jason might still be pretty damn dumb, but he’s moving in the right direction. In my book, he’s coming out even for his actions in most of the series so far. Did anyone else get a “I am the Dread Pirate Roberts!” vibe from the ruse?

Of course, the episode ends on a cliffhanger … a blood-dripping foot in the Vampire Queen’s mansion. It would be too easy for that to be the actual Vampire Queen. It’s probably just human being fed on. Next week I’ll be wrapping up Season 2, so stay tuned.

Oh, and check out my earlier True Blood Diary posts, too.

Photo Credit: HBO

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