CliqueClack TV

Un-verbally dissed on MasterChef

The fun and frolicry got ramped up on 'MasterChef' just in time for tonight's slam-bang finale. Be forewarned: there will be drama.

- Season 2, Episode 19 - "The Top 4 Compete, Elimination"

Did you see it? Did you see the coolest moment happen on MasterChef last night?

Actually, there were two of them, both happening one on top of the other:

Suzy just got called out as the unlucky contestant leaving at the close of the program. Hugged and fawned over by Gordon while she was weeping, he had one final question for her: “So … who will win MasterChef?”

There was  a quick camera shift over to a beaming Cap’n Douchey (Christian) and then back to Suzy.

“Adrien. Adrien will win MasterChef,” she declared.

The first coolest moment of the show: Immediately after Suzy’s declaration, the camera is on The Cap’n once more. He now has a stoic, blank look. He gazes up to the two safe contestants on the balcony — Jennifer and Adrien.

The second coolest moment of the show: Camera is now on Jennifer and Adrien. Jennifer has got a big-shit eating grin on her face and is looking at Suzy. Adrien is concentrating on a thoroughly interesting point in space below him. None of the two look The Cap’n’s way. They do anything and everything to look anywhere but at him.

Christian was un-verbally dissed by not one … not two … but all three of his fellow contestants. It was a very telling moment, 100% indicative of how Jennifer, Adrien, and Suzy feel about the overconfident Gloucesterite.

Additionally, this is the second time in as many shows we’ve seen an out-going contestant choose Adrien as the eventual winner of MasterChef.

Tonight’s finale is going to be fun. Any one of the three could conceivably win this thing in my mind, but, forced to call one out, the two left standing would be Christian and Jennifer, with blondy edging out The Cap’n for the eventual win.

And, if that happens, don’t think for a moment that that wouldn’t put a wrench in ‘ole Cap’n Douchey’s machine.

Photo Credit: FOX

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