CliqueClack TV

Rookie Blue – Breaking up is hard to do

If you thought that Luke and Andy's break up wouldn't be messy, or a big part of this episode, you were dead wrong.

- Season 2, Episode 7 - "The One That Got Away"

I think it is a myth … this idea, this concept of a not-messy-breakup. I don’t care what anyone might say to the otherwise. This is a lesson I have learned, the hard way, and one that Andy and Luke certainly felt this week. And for those that will hold this up as an example of why you shouldn’t date at work, I say shame on you. Hasn’t Grey’s Anatomy proved to us that dating at work is fine, its just dating your boss that’s inadvisable? If not Rookie Blue sure made a pretty good argument for it in “The One That Got Away.”

Andy tried to set the rules, oblivious to the fact that she was trying to keep a secret that my dog could have figured out (He did, as a matter of fact, but then again, he’s in the Team Swarek camp too). In an effort to control the situation, all she managed to do was bring a focus on her private life, and alienate her friends. Fortunately for her, Traci Nash knows that the word friend doesn’t take a day off.

Swarek, on the other hand, can’t seem to lock down his emotions. His little hissy fit thrown in protest of Andy’s dedication to Luke’s case put her in mortal danger. Granted, it is not like Andy’s life isn’t in mortal danger every other week, but rarely is her fellow officer, partner, and unrequited-love-boy the source of it. Compared to the mistake of leaving out the stolen underwear detail, this was much, much worse.

I don’t get Andy’s resiliency in supporting Luke. Let’s put aside, for the sake of argument, that it was the right thing to do, and live in hypothetical land for a quick minute. Andy was pissed. She’s the archetypal woman scorned. Luke is pouting at the bar, Rosati is riding her ass, the squad room is talking behind her back … these might be the kind of things that would push her into being alone, but not in to the loving arms of Luke Luke’s case. I don’t necessarily think that it was in Andy’s character.

For every rule, there is an exception, and is the case with my statement in the opening paragraph. The exception is based on Peck and Epstein’s assertion that every great relationship can survive one break up. That is a relationship cliché I can get behind. But I’ve found that the second break up in these cases often is less messy than the first. You’ve had all that opportunity to get the vitriol out.

Notes & Quotes

  •  “Alright, let’s start local. Get some of these happy hour soakers off the street. Get close, smell their breath pay attention to details: stammering, lying, bottle of vodka kicking around in the back seat. Epstein you’ve been drunk, huh? Picture your self.” – Shaw
  • “You can spin the story any way you want. Anybody who cares about you is going to figure it out pretty fast.” – Swarek


Photo Credit: ABC

3 Responses to “Rookie Blue – Breaking up is hard to do”

August 5, 2011 at 4:06 PM

Do you mean Andy and “Luke’s” break-up? You keep saying “Jake”

August 5, 2011 at 7:42 PM

Sarah: I can’t even explain where my mind must have been. Thanks for pointing it out!

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