CliqueClack TV

Entourage – Andrew Dice Clay is bad news

I know that Billy’s had all sorts of success in the porn world, but there was something really amusing to me about Vince going to him to shape Vince’s movie. On second thought, it sounds like the perfect situation for Drama….

Is it possible that, after his “seen everything” lifetime in Hollywood, Drama would still be dumb enough to join forces with a fool like Andrew Dice Clay (opinion based on the version of him that we saw last night)? Not yet, but I wouldn’t put it past Drama to fall under the spell of a guy like Dice. Caution, Johnny: this is the one you’ve been dreaming of, so be careful.

Certainly it portends evil that Dice has signed on with Scott. I cringed when the boys were walking along joined by Billy (woohoo!), Dice, and Scott. It was, of course, because they were all headed to the same place, but I hope we’re not seeing what the crew will look like this season.

I wondered last week what Turtle’s hook would be this season. I wouldn’t say that his tiff with girlfriend Alex is an arc … just a righting of the balance of the universe (as much her for him as him for her). I still wish he’d go look up Rufus’ daughter again. They worked together.

Eric seems to have an unusually hard time moving on from old girlfriends. The series practically opened on his regressing back into an old relationship, and we’ve seen it countless times since. Hopefully Sloan moving to the East Coast will make a separation stick for once.

Ari’s story is beginning to open up in a new direction, but thus far we’re only seeing the Ari of old. If he intends to win Mrs. Ari back, he’s going to have to dig into an entirely new bag of tricks; the one that last week’s tears came from would be a good place to start. That said, I did enjoy watching as Ari so aptly dismantled David’s (Nick Steele) chances at an arc on Mad Men. Too bad it’s not going to be so easy to take Bobby Flay apart.

Unfortunately I don’t think Mrs. Ari would be dating someone as in-the-public-eye as Flay if she wasn’t serious about the relationship. Unlike Ari I could see the Mrs. with a waiter … if she was just having fun and wanted to keep it quiet. But Flay is too well known for her not to get noticed, and she’s too good a person for her to be doing it merely to rub Ari’s face in anything. Step up your game, Ari Gold!

After years of television barely being acknowledged on the show, it’s funny to see yet another person gunning for the top spot in the TV department at Ari’s firm. But isn’t Entourage beyond needing to grovel at the feet of Modern Family? The show’s funny, but Steven Levitan is no Aaron Sorkin … and he only got a mini arc.

As minor as it was, there was something so great about that opening scene between Vince, Eric, Turtle, and Drama. The conversation — I can see none of them being capable of defining it, but is it possible that none of them can spell “faithful?” — was a simple reminder of how great these guys are when they’re just hanging out with friends. I don’t think Entourage has ever lost that.

“So, how’s it look?” – Vince
“Your grammar’s horrible.” – Eric
“Who cares?” – Vince
“We were in the same classes since we were six. It’s just shocking to me you can’t punctuate.” – Eric

Entourage Everyones starting anew [51EP7eTEWsL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Entourage Everyones starting anew [51WmA%2BimfyL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Entourage Everyones starting anew [51rG7QCq%2B2L. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: HBO

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