CliqueClack TV

Rookie Blue – Ain’t nothing but a family thing

Lovers, mothers, children, boyfriends ... this week's 'Rookie Blue' explored how, sometimes, our familiar relationships can really suck, and how they can be pretty awesome.

- Season 2, Episode 6 - "In Plain View"

Let me first apologize that I didn’t get last week’s episode covered. As many might have guessed, I joined CliqueClack Editor Keith McDuffee, the estimable Michael Noble, and my best-good friend Carla Day at San Diego’s Comic Con last week. As much as I would have loved a Rookie Blue panel (hey, if Charlie’s Angels and Castle can get one, it’s not too much to hope, no?), I was disappointed. There was a poster though, and all of these people outside the convention directing traffic dressed as cops, cosplay style (Oh, they were really cops? Erm, I guess I shouldn’t have … erm … never mind). Let’s just jump into this week’s episode, shall we?

The moment I’ve been waiting for since, well, the middle of last season, has finally come. Andy and Luke are finally splitsville. I wondered how quickly Jo and his indiscretions after the stakeout last week would come to life. Independent of whatever the previews may have shown last week (my DVR cut them off), I expected the secret to be drawn out until the end of the season. Fortunately, I was wrong. I’m not sure that I could have handled having to work together with Jo after the revelation nearly as well as Andy did. I wonder if she might now catch onto the fact that Luke really hadn’t gotten the ring with the intention of proposing to her.

As much as I love Lauren Holly, her turn as Elaine Peck was nothing like what I expected. Sure, there was the overbearing mother bit that we had to expect with everything that Gail has said about her family in the past. But there was just a little too much “cutesy” action coming from her to really believe it.

Gail’s mission to figure out what was really going on with the child was clearly an act of rebellion, if not a small one. Plus, there was the added benefit of being the right thing to do. I really like how they’ve softened and humanized Gail Peck since the show premiered. Understanding where she came from goes a long way into helping us understand who she is. What will not help, however, is the potential love triangle that the show has been slowly building to.

Notes & Quotes

  • “Gail, can I get you anything? … Gail’s had paralysis ever since she found out her mother was coming in tonight. Superintendent Elaine Peck.” – Dov
    “Super nice lady.” – Diaz
    “You don’t even know her!” – Peck
    “We had Sunday dinner like a month ago. She was really great.” – Diaz
    “She kept calling you Craig.” – Peck
    “Craig’s a great name.” – Diaz




Photo Credit: ABC

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