CliqueClack TV

Diary of a True Blood Virgin – Lots and lots of flashbacks

We learn a whole lot more about Eric and Bill, and there's a lot of sex. But then again, it is 'True Blood.'

2.5 “Never Let Me Go”

“Could you be a companion of death? Could you walk with me through the world? Through dark? I’ll teach you all I know. I’ll be your father, your brother, your child.” — Godric

So, it turns out Eric has always been pretty bad ass. We also finally got to see Godric (who’s last name is Gryffindor in my head and nothing will ever change that), and I like that he’s played by a younger actor. Should be interesting if we ever actually see him in the present. However, I can’t believe Eric’s big confession was supposed to be a surprise. I assumed Godric was Eric’s maker ever since it was revealed he was taken.

Once again, Hoyt is super-adorable. I let out a great big “aww” when he started reading Jessica his comic book. Once again, if they end up breaking up, I will be mad. Let the cute couple stay cute! I’m not sure how much Sarah was seducing Jason in the bathtub because she wanted to get back at her husband or because she genuinely feels a connection to him. It’s pretty obvious they’re going to be doing more soon enough.

2.6 “Hard-Hearted Hannah”

“God’s an open-minded guy! … To a point.” — Luke

Oh look, Jason and Sarah had sex. I didn’t see that coming at all! Sarah has really become an unlikable character for me, mostly because she puts her whole identity into the man she is with. I’m not saying being a supportive partner is a bad trait, but right before having sex with Jason, Sarah makes a point in saying she been dreaming of being the woman behind the man since she was a little girl. It’s just sad to me. Speaking of Jason, I’m sure he’s going to find out about Sookie being held there soon enough. And when he does, Jason is going to have to decide between his family and his new faith.

The big thing that bothers me about the Maryann storyline is that it has sort of sped up the Terry/Arlene relationship. I’m the kind of shipper who loves seeing a relationship grow slowly, and the fact that they’ve had sex but don’t really remember it (I assume) ruins it for me. What really disturbed me about Maryann in this episode is how easily Tara joined in. I mean, when she first discovers the orgy in the back yard, she’s horrified. By the time Sam finds it, she’s right in the middle of it all. Whatever magic Maryann is using, it is powerful.

It’s cool that the show is trying to make Lafayette’s trauma seem realistic. Too many other shows would have him over it by now, but it means so much more when a cool-as-a-cucumber character like Lafayette is crumpled in the corner. And Terry was so great in this scene, recognizing the signals and helping his friend cope. There’s a reason he’s my favorite character! Second favorite character has to be Hoyt, especially after standing up to his mother. Dear lord, is she a piece of work.

I really liked Bill’s flashback in the episode. In practically every episode, Bill tells Sookie that he has to be careful, that she could get hurt, blah blah blah. At least now we see a taste of what Bill was talking about. Yes, he’s still an overprotective well of blandness, but he was once a legitimately emotionless killer, so I can understand him trying to stay in control.

I didn’t trust Daphene, but I did like her. Maybe I just like seeing characters who normally have crap lives get a little bit of happiness. Plus, that scene against the pool table? HOT. Actually, the bit where he flirted with her during work was pretty hot, too. Too bad she literally led him to the slaughter later that night.

Photo Credit: HBO

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