CliqueClack TV

Hell’s Kitchen – A Tale of Two Kitchens

The men's team is pulling a Bobby Rigg's on 'Hell's Kitchen.' Google that sucker if you need to. Basically, it means the women's team is kicking their collective butts.

- Season 9, Episode 2 - "16 Chefs Compete"

I have a confession to make. I hope you’ll still respect me. But I really can’t tell you much about the first challenge on tonight’s Hell’s Kitchen, because my eyes were covered. All that cow flesh was freaking me out. Especially when the girls lost the challenge of perfect red meat grilling, and had to drink all the pureed moo that was left over. From the sounds of gagging alone, I gagged. And when they had to take delivery of the whole freaking carcass and cut it up? Well, let’s just say that after my husband gave me mouth to mouth, I felt tons better to push on with my review, once revived.

Hey, I know. It’s the price I pay.

Now let’s talk about Carrie, the wanton lil thing. She’s already stated she wants my Gordon. There’s a reason to loathe her. She flirts with him blatantly. Hey.  I would too if I was there. But she can’t seem to decide where her desires really lie. Or more to the point, where she’s going to lie. But I’m pretty sure, based on the giggling and dragging Brendan into her room, that she ain’t that picky. Did you hear Brendan’s shout out to her as he disappeared into the sunset filled cow pasture? “Call me.” Yeah. I say, priorities Carrie! Maybe you should keep the cooking in the kitchen so you can win this 250K. At least you won’t have to be distracted by Brendan anymore.

What a relief it was, to see the back of his front. All the “meatball” and “dumpling” name calling. What, is this sixth grade? And the worst part! Lying to my Gordon about that fish! The faux search through the garbage! What cojones. I was really surprised he wasn’t cleaved in two right there. As Gordon said, “The only thing bigger than Brendan’s ego was his lies.” Amen to that.

Oh and Will? Yes, you are being whupped by a bunch “of f’ing chicks.” Get used to it, baby!

Photo Credit: Fox

One Response to “Hell’s Kitchen – A Tale of Two Kitchens”

July 20, 2011 at 8:30 AM

ROFL Gordon is on a roll baby!

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