CliqueClack TV

The Closer – Kids are dicks

We quickly find out what happens to Chief Delks, but what does it mean for Brenda and her team? I'm not sure, but I do know that house sitting is a terrible job.

- Season 07, Episode 02 - "Repeat Offender"

In about fifteen years, I’ll be the mother of a son who has recently graduated high school, so this episode of The Closer did not make me feel good about my future. I can only find consolation in the fact that I’ll never be rich, and thus, hopefully won’t raise some kid who’s so bored in his own excess that he and his friends rob peoples’ houses just for kicks. He’ll be too busy for such nonsense, as I will wake him up every morning by holding up my student loan bill (which I can only assume I’ll still be paying) in front of his face and yelling, “look at it! LOOK AT IT!”

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from TV and true-crime novels, it’s that rich kids are assholes.

In other news, Chief Delks is dead. I find this kind of annoying, considering that we spent the entirety of last season leading up to his coronation, and after one episode, Pope is back in charge. It isn’t business as usual though, as Pope is at least trying to make it appear that Brenda isn’t completely a teacher’s pet. It’s never bugged me that Pope lets her get away with what ever she wants, but when she flounced down in his chair and started whining about Raydor and Taylor, it was a little over the top.

Since this is the last season, Brenda obviously isn’t going to get the Chief job and it seems kind of silly to bring in yet another new character. So it looks like soon enough, Pope will be able to remove the “Interim” in front of his title. However, it seems as though with Pope in the job, there should be fewer reasons for Brenda to leave at the end of the season, so I’m really curious as to what will get her to go.

This lawsuit is going to hang over her head all season – as it should, frankly, because she totally got that guy killed. Is that what’s going to be her final undoing, or do you think it’ll be something else? Maybe she and Fritz will have a Coach and Mrs. Taylor-type situation and something will come up with Fritz’s job again – something that Brenda will actually have to pay attention to.




Photo Credit: TNT

4 Responses to “The Closer – Kids are dicks”

July 19, 2011 at 1:01 PM

While dispensing with Delks so quickly does seem to waste much of last season, I really like what it will do to Pope. He already had everything he wanted ripped away from him, and now, with the possibility of him getting it all back, probably won’t be afraid to step on/over/through anyone to get it.

Will make for trouble for Brenda :)

July 19, 2011 at 7:17 PM

I really enjoyed Raydor character this episode, I think they are re-focusing her character to make her much more likeable, since she’ll be having her own series. Her attempts to make Brenda realize someone had ordered her to keep going and Brenda being completely oblivious were golden.

July 21, 2011 at 2:18 PM

Raydor grates like no other…. that voice is the female incarnation of Severus Snape’s menacing monotone, but it just doesn’t work for MM like it does for Alan Rickman.
Wonder if all thoughts of children for Fritz/Brenda are off the table?
I’m really going to hate to see this series end.

July 21, 2011 at 2:21 PM

Just sayin,
Was that extra girth on Pope for real? It did seem a little over the top …..

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