CliqueClack TV

Diary of a True Blood virgin – How I love the minor characters!

Screw headliners like Bill and Sookie ... I'm rooting for the minor characters on 'True Blood'. Less melodrama, more adorableness. Nice guys for the win!

These episodes were the first time I really, really wanted to keep on watching. Even my boyfriend, who didn’t get into the first season very much, got into these episodes. I think most of this is because the world is opening up … it’s not just about this tiny town anymore.

2.3 Scratches
“You surprise me. That is rare quality in a breather.” – Eric
“You disgust me.” – Sookie
“Perhaps I’ll grow on you.” – Eric
“I’d prefer cancer!” – Sookie

Sookie once again turning into the damsel-in-distress at the beginning of the episode was pretty damn annoying. It’s clear at this point that this is the way the show is going to go. However, I love that Sookie stood up to Eric and saved Lafayette’s life. What’s even better is that Bill supports her! Probably the best moment of the episode is when Eric tells him to keep Sookie in line, only to have Bill up her fee.

As much as I hated Jason last season, it’s cool to see him actually think for himself for a little bit. He’s still an idiot, and mostly self-centered, but in his simple mind Jason is trying to better himself. So far I like Sarah for the disenchanted character that she is. While the Light of Day community seems like it would be bigoted against more than just vampirism, they do make one good point … vampires are assholes and killers. Even Sookie has realized that the vampires are not guilt-free victims here. Fellowship of the Sun might be filled with bigoted and violent members, but the group they happen to be focusing on right now is pretty damn evil as an organized group. Also, I’m pretty sure Jason and Sarah are going to bone very soon.

I love Jessica and Hoyt together. Love, love, love. I was just a little bit worried that Jessica was going to eat him at first (what with her still getting used to taming her sexual, I mean vampire, urges). As soon as he smiled after she ordered a Tru Blood, I was sold on their relationship. He’s just such a sweet guy … if anyone deserves to get laid on this show, it’s him! I can’t believe they foreshadowed this back in the middle of last season. He better not turn into an overprotective jerk now!

Oh, and once again Terry is the voice of truth and reason on this show. Yet another character I will cheer for when he finally gets some (I’m looking at you, Arlene!).

2.4 Shake and Fingerpop
“Meetin’ Hoyt is the only good thing that’s happened to me since … my whole new life started. No, I’m not ready for any thing to happen too fast. I-I’d been happy just to go on kissin’ him all night long … Is it my fault my fangs come out when I get turned on?” – Jessica

And with that little speech, Jessica has officially gotten on my “good character” list. She’s just so cute. I will be very mad if she and Hoyt break up. Kuddos to Sookie for naming Jessica Bill’s ward and making a truly geeky Batman reference.

Good for Tara for at least realizing something was off and trying to get out of a bad situation. She has more common sense than most of the characters on this show. My boyfriend is now completely convinced Maryann is a succubus, especially after her fingertips turned to talons during the party/orgy. I’m actually more interested in how Daphne fits in with all this. Also, has anyone else noticed we haven’t seen Tara naked during sex? Practically every other woman in this show has gone topless during a sex scene, but not Tara.

Yeah, if Sarah and Jason don’t have sex in the next episode I will be shocked. My guess is Steve will offer his wife in return for his loyalty to their crazy religious army. He seems to be set on grooming Jason to be a faithful, violent soldier. It’s going to eventually come down to Jason’s feelings for Sarah versus his relationship with his sister.

Nelsan Ellis sure can dance. How much of Eric saving Lafayette was business, and how much of it was him wanting to please Sookie? I’m starting to see a reluctant attraction between the two characters, more on Eric’s side than Sookie’s. But when will he stop being a dick enough to get Sookie interested in him? Oh, and what the hell is up with the bellhop?

Photo Credit: HBO

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