CliqueClack TV

Suits – Mike is irresistible to all!

'Suits' hit the fast lane with a case about a race car engine company, but the real story is in the games being played by all.

- Season 1, Episode 3 - "Inside Track"

Just when it seems like Harvey is about to lose, he pulls it off. At some point Harvey’s games are going to backfire on him, but it wasn’t during tonight’s case. Jessica’s role as head of the firm is quite intriguing. I was surprised to see that she not only knew what Harvey was up to, but hedged the situation by playing both sides even after she told Harvey to back off. She knows him so well. I wonder if she would put up with his antics if he didn’t continually end up on the winning side. It’ll be fun to watch when the Harvey win streak ends.

As much as Harvey knows what he is doing, Mike is still learning. Even after three episodes, I’m not completely sold on why Harvey is risking everything to have Mike as his associate, but I’m willing to go along for the ride. Mike continues to have problems being on time, figuring out what he is supposed to do and balancing his personal life with work. Despite those issues, he is such a likable guy and that helps him succeed. Even Harvey couldn’t help but give Mike a fist bump after they convinced Dominic to go for the CEO job.

Harvey isn’t the only one under Mike’s spell; the women in his life are too. He has the unconditional love and support of his grandmother, as he should, but he has won the affections of both Jenny and Rachel too. I figured that something would happen between Mike and Jenny at some point, but definitely not this soon. I mean, come on … she’s your best friend’s girl. Even though Mike is lying about being a lawyer, he seems to have an honor code that would prevent him from being with her. Though, I guess at the same time, his best friend is a drug dealer and lied to her about it. So, perhaps that justifies his actions, I’m not sure.

Ultimately, I don’t think Jenny is a good fit for Mike. He has much better chemistry with Rachel and their lives are a better match. Plus, it wouldn’t break the bro-code. It was touching for Rachel to help Mike with the his Rookie Dinner. Even though, she gives him a hard time, I think she is attracted to him and impressed by his abilities. The dinner scene was one of my favorites, because it showed their personalities and allowed us to get to know them better outside of the job.

Overall, I found the legal case to be a well-crafted story with enough twists to keep it interesting without being confusing. It easily could have become over complicated, but it never did. At the same time, it provided insight into the main players and the way they play the game.

Other thoughts:

  • Nice cars! I loved how Harvey “lost” the Tesla, but really ended up the winner.
  • Harvey made a mistake years ago and Mike figured it out. Nice interaction between them; it showed respect.
  • Loved, loved, loved the fist bump!
  • It was such a Harvey thing that he had the certified check for his partnership the whole time.
  • Glad the Rookie Dinner worked out for Mike, nice touch for Harvey to pick up the tab, and you had to laugh at the gluten-ravioli comment from Mike to Louis
  • Even though Harvey disobeyed Jessica, she seemed OK with it. How long will that last? I guess it’s all good when he doubles receivables.
  • And … Harvey always gets the girl! Oh … and the car!


Photo Credit: USA Network

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