CliqueClack TV

Rookie Blue – Who’s getting shot next?

I think they should change the name ... No more 'Rookie Blue.' From now on, we shall call it 'Coppers Getting Shot.'

- Season 2, Episode 3 - "Bad Moon Rising"

Did anyone have flashbacks to ER’s “Be Still My Heart” episode? (For the uninitiated, a schizophrenic patient stabs to people with their names in the credits, killing one.) Rookie Blue has had three episodes so far in its second season, and main characters have been shot in two of them. Oddly, it hasn’t become a cliché yet, but how the show handles things next will be telling.

The real question weaving its way through my mind when the credits rolled was whether or not Callagan was actually ready to propose. I’m far from the detective’s biggest fan, but I have to give him the benefit of the doubt on the ring. I’m not up on all of the wedding superstitions out there, but there is no way proposing with a ring that you’ve already proposed with has got to be bad juju. Especially when that ex is working in the same building, and is obviously still carrying some kind of torch.

The question on everyone else’s brain is whether or not Callagan will survive the shooting. How long was he on the ground? It was light outside when he was shot, and it was dark when he was found; that is not a good sign. Or, it was a production/shooting error. Either way, if this were reality, I wouldn’t like his chances, but in TV land, I think the odds are in his favor.

­Who would have thought, when the show premiered last year, that Dove Epstein would become one of my favorite characters? His arc with Peck tonight show that he’s a rather pitiful guy. He screwed up big last week (though, not as much as he got in trouble for, if you ask me), but it was Peck’s confession that no one else wanted to ride with him that probably hurt more. What is sad, though, is that he’s really just trying to do his job the best way he knows how.

Considering how weird Peck and Diaz’s relationship is, the brother/sister vibe that she and Epstein have is a nice counter. I think the show is wasting an opportunity by not exploring more what it has to be like for the three of them to live together. Arguing over shower time is only the tip of the iceberg of what the “family dynamic” of what that household is really like.

I couldn’t tell; when Nash and Shaw left their conversation on the “I would do anything for my family” note … does that mean they’re really getting back together, or really not getting back together. Or, did I stop caring?


Photo Credit: ABC

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