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True Blood – A King, a cougar, the undead, and a baby

'True Blood' returned this season with a time jump, which thankfully allowed for positive character development. This week the changes keep on coming and we are left with two big cliffhangers.

- Season 4, Episode 2 - "You Smell Like Dinner"

After the True Blood time jump last week, I wasn’t expecting more huge changes in tonight’s “You Smell Like Dinner.” It’s like a whole new show this season … an improved show. Though, I’m not sure if it will continue to be with the Jason and Eric situations.

One huge plus this season is getting some back story on the vampire world and insight into the shapeshifters. One reason I really love Vampire Diaries is the rich background and lore it has; these elements have been missing on True Blood. With the continuous addition of supernatural characters, I’ve wanted to know more about their abilities and history. I doubt it will happen, but I’d love to know more of their mythology.

Over the first three seasons, I was never a Bill fan; I found him boring and never saw why Sookie was attracted to him. With the time jump and Bill’s new role, he’s not boring. He’s a strong and powerful man — no longer that meek, lovestruck vampire he once was. For the first time in the series, I’m looking forward to seeing what he will do next. Well, just as long as it includes staying away from Sookie!

While I don’t want Sookie with Bill, I’m not sure she should be with Eric either. I miss having Alcide in the picture; I hope he returns soon, so Sookie has an alternative to Eric for protection. Though, can Eric even protect her anymore? Is he still a vampire? I’m a little nervous that the witches took the “Eric” out of Eric. He better not end up being the bore that Bill used to be. That would be very disappointing. I really can’t wait until next week to find out what happened to him.

The other big cliffhanger — is Jason going to be a shapeshifting panther now? At first, I was irritated by this development — another character with a supernatural ability, really? Besides, I don’t really understand his attraction to Crystal. She is needy, not that attractive and well … a cougar. I hope that Jason ends up not turning, maybe he has just a little bit of fairy in him.

“You Smell Like Dinner” was a nice follow-up to the season premiere last week. The character development has been a huge improvement over the previous two seasons. For the first time in a while, I don’t find any of the characters annoying. I’m not sure I ever thought that would happen.

True Blood quotes and notes:

  • “Do you think my legs are just gonna magically open for you?” – Sookie
    “Well, that was saucy” – Eric
  • What’s up with the baby? That is one freaky baby.
  • Andy and the V is not going any place good. Will Jason become the Sheriff?
  • Jessica and Hoyt are going through normal relationship stress, well, with a vampire and human twist. But, overall, their relationship is the most “normal” on the show.
  • I’m not particularly sold on Luna, and especially not on a Sam and Luna relationship. I would much rather Sam and Tara find a way back to each other.
  • The coven can bring dead things back to life? That is a freaky ability. One that can only lead to bad, bad things happening in Bon Temps!

Photo Credit: HBO

2 Responses to “True Blood – A King, a cougar, the undead, and a baby”

July 4, 2011 at 10:41 PM

I’m very exited with Eric’s story, i was sick with the departures from the books, i hope they get this one right!!!

July 5, 2011 at 2:52 PM

I am loving this season. I get what you’ve said about the past 2 seasons but I watched the episodes 5 at a time so it didn’t feel slow for me. I actually like Bill but Eric just has more bad boy appeal. I miss Alcide, too. I can’t wait to see what happens with Eric. I thought Sookie would have a stronger reaction to seeing Bill with that woman since to her, their break up happened only, what, a couple of days earlier?

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