CliqueClack TV

Weeds – Three years later, and….

Even in Washington Heights it can’t be easy to do anything financially productive with a suitcase full of munitions. Bit of free advice for Nancy? Use them as they were originally intended to be used: start a war with a gang that has product, and then start slinging dope!

- Season 7, Episode 1 - "Bags"

Right before tuning in to watch the season seven premiere of Weeds last night I caught up with the season six finale. Part refresher, and part reminder of how awesome season six was, the finale put me in the right mindset for where we — and the Botwins — found ourselves, three years after Nancy got arrested at the airport and the guys were on their way to Copenhagen.

Here’s the skinny: Nancy’s up for parole after three years in prison thanks to a deal she struck with the FBI in exchange for her testimony; Shane’s a puppeteer living with a Danish woman; Silas is the face of some kind of flower water; Andy’s a local celebrity vying for the presidency of an anarchistic, self-proclaimed autonomous neighborhood of Copenhagen called Christiania; and Doug rejoined the group!

Yeah … crazy. Nancy’s up for parole thanks to the FBI agent she dealt with, but her dream of witness relocation is shattered when Esteban gets murdered in a prison yard and she’s “no longer in any danger.” The best she can do now is serve out the rest of her term in a halfway house in Washington Heights, a northern neighborhood of New York City.

That’s fine and all, but am I the only one who thinks the real concern is Guillermo, and not Esteban? Guillermo’s my favorite and all, but he’s also super crazy and not likely to have forgotten about Nancy no matter where he is right now. If he were to be released from prison in fifty years, after Nancy’s dead, the first thing he’d do is dig up her body and mutilate it … then he’d kill her surviving descendants … and only then would he change out of his prison clothes. And Nancy knows that. I’m okay with her forgetting about him for the moment, just as long as we see him again this season.

So now Nancy’s living in Stability House under the care of the rhyming Counselor Ed (Gary Anthony Williams). I was very impressed with the way she can manage her time: in two hours Nancy video chatted with her sister Jill (Jennifer Jason Leigh) — who seems to be planning to kidnap Stevie — went to a sauna on a “scavenger hunt” to find the key her prison lesbian lover, Zoya, hid under the rocks, and found an old parked car with a suitcase full of munitions in the trunk. I mean, come on … that’s time management!

I love that the guys are all living together, although I wonder if it wouldn’t be a smarter move for them to stay put for a few episodes. Just seeing Doug spit water on the clothes he was ironing was enough to convince me that there’s a show all its own in Silas, Andy, Shane, and Doug sharing a small apartment in Copenhagen. Why throw away a good thing?

Don’t get me wrong — I love how badly Nancy screws up all of their lives on a regular basis. If she spent thirteen episodes trying to get Stevie back all by herself the show would be somewhat boring. At the same time, it would be nice to see Shane grow up a little and gain some independence; it was clear just how badly he needed his mommy back, which is somewhat of a surprising reaction from a psycho murderer. But then he’s always been a walking contradiction.

So where’s this season going? Well, Nancy wouldn’t be a real Washington Heights transplant if she didn’t go back to her drug selling roots. But how will the family fit in around her? And how does she get Stevie back if she’s stuck in a halfway house? What about Guillermo?

Strap yourselves in for another exciting ride!

Weeds Copenhagens not ready for the Botwins [51AOb75rRbL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Weeds Copenhagens not ready for the Botwins [51DzCXSyjYL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: Showtime

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows | Weeds |

2 Responses to “Weeds – Three years later, and….”

June 28, 2011 at 7:59 PM

Glad someone is recapping this show here at the Clack, even happier that you appear to actually still enjoy the show (nothing worse than recaps written by someone who doesn’t even like the show they’re reviewing). I wish I still liked this show as much as I used to, and I hate people who complain in the comments about how bad a show has gotten and how much they hate it yet still watch week after week and seek out recaps. Having said that, I haven’t cared much for this since season 3, but I’m gonna continue watching seeing as I’m 6 seasons invested in the story, just to see how it all ends (assuming it gets a proper finale). I felt like burning down Agrestic (Majestic?) ruined everything and backed the writers into a corner they haven’t quite been able to get out of. I truly loved the “Little Boxes” intro. But it’s still good for a chuckle or two every week, and I love most of the actors so I’m in it until the bitter end…

June 29, 2011 at 1:03 PM

While there’s no question that I miss the way things were back when they were simple, I’ve never really felt that the show slipped the way a lot of people do. It’s dramatically different, but if you were to take a look back you’d see that every character’s still true to them self, just in a more developed fashion. The Mexico angle is crazy … but is that such a bad thing?

And I miss “Little Boxes” too!

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