CliqueClack TV

My maiden voyage through Westeros – Game of Thrones – A Golden Crown

Are you new to the 'A Game of Thrones' world? Each week, I will review it from the perspective of a newbie to the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. You won't find spoilers from the book here, just a review of the show itself.

- Season 1, Episode 6 - "A Golden Crown"

Games of Thrones is officially over the half way mark of this first season and I as much as I understand what is going on, I’m just as much in the dark. While it is difficult to accept that there are only 4 episodes left, it is much easier to take knowing the series has been renewed for a second season.

Unfortunately due to being out of town, I didn’t write about last week’s “The Wolf and the Lion”, but I also didn’t have much to say about it. Many of my favorite characters were missing and we were introduced to, in my opinion, too many new characters. There were a couple things that stood out from last week that carried over to this week: King Robert is a real ass and Lady Arryn, Catelyn’s sister, is crazy. I sure hope that young actor’s suckling was digitally added to the scene.

While King’s Landing seems to be the core of the story, it is my least favorite to watch. The only character there that I care even a tad about is Arya. Everyone else from the Baratheon’s, the Lannister’s and the other Stark’s in King’s Landing could disappear and I wouldn’t mind. Though, I guess they are necessary to make the other stories important.

Part of my frustration with King’s Landing is that the motivations of the characters is unclear to me. I’m sure in the book, the history of the Mad King and the transition to King Robert’s rule is has been established, as well as, the characters’ roles in that history. Due to the time restraints of the series, I find that detail lacking.

I’ve predicted before and I continue to predict that King Robert’s rule will be over soon. I’m not sure how or why, but I think he will be out and Joffrey will most likely become king. The question then becomes, will he be outed as an illegitimate heir to the throne, as he appears to be a full-fledged Lannister and not a Baratheon? Or, will Ned be killed without disclosing the secret?

The Dothraki story is still my favorite. Daenerys eating a whole horse heart — disgusting! I’m amazing at how the relationship that began with my least favorite scene — Drogo taking Daenerys’ virginity — has become one that I enjoy most. Tonight, when Drogo picked up Daeyrns and they gazed at each other, I couldn’t help but smile. I love them together. She has taken everything her brother wanted and more. His death was fitting; he died by the golden crown he craved. I won’t miss him at all.

Unlike Viserys, who was clearly evil, many of the characters are more difficult to figure out. While initially I thought Tyrion was like his morally-challenged siblings, he has proven himself to be honorable. Don’t get me wrong, he does have some questionable proclivities, but deep down he means well. As the series continues, I’m looking forward to getting a clearer understanding of who these characters truly are and delving into their complexities.

Winter is coming … right?

Other stuff:

  • I wish we had a better understanding of Theon Greyjoy’s background. What happened with his House and what is his role within the Stark House. I expect we will continue to learn more about him.
  • The Mountain has gone off and destroyed villages, what repercussions will that have for the Lannister family? It looks like we will meet the Head of the Lannister family in the next episode.
  • Sansa and her “love” for Joffrey is annoying. Her desire to be Queen disturbs me. How can she be from the same upbringing as Bran and Arya?
  • I enjoyed the way that Tyrion got freed. But, I don’t expect Lady Stark will let him off that easily. (Though I originally liked her as the loving mother, I’m not enjoying her since she left Winterfell.)
  • What plot did Arya stumble upon? Will Ned be killed? What happens now that he knows at least part of the Lannister secret?
  • I miss Jon Snow.

Photo Credit: HBO

20 Responses to “My maiden voyage through Westeros – Game of Thrones – A Golden Crown”

May 23, 2011 at 1:47 AM

Out of curiosity, will you be reading the book when this season is finished?

May 23, 2011 at 1:50 AM

Yes, I plan on reading the first book after the season is over. I would like to stop after the first book, but I really don’t see that happening. I’m sure I’m going to want to know what happens next, since I have been told the first season and book end with a big cliffhanger.

May 23, 2011 at 1:52 AM

Digitally added? Did not even think of that. I did wonder about the sanity of the parents of the boy actor…

Dany’s brother, well he had that coming. Putting a sword to Dany’s pregnant belly was stoooooopid. I gave an audible, “Que bueno” when he was crowned.

I miss Snow too!

May 23, 2011 at 1:58 AM

I’m not sure how they did the suckling scene but I image they had digitally edited him and his mother together. I can’t imagine parents would allow their young son to do that. I think it would be considered sexual abuse.

It was a horrible scene to watch, but brilliant at the same time. I’m glad his arrogance and whining are gone.

May 23, 2011 at 1:59 AM

I can tell you that Lysa’s suckling was aided by a fake prosthesis, so worry not! Although I imagine the poor kid probably doesn’t have it much better to be sucking on a fake – probably need some therapy in the future.

May 23, 2011 at 2:14 AM

Prosthetic for sure, but still sickening.

May 23, 2011 at 2:52 AM

Theon’s father (Balon Greyjoy – Lord of the Iron Islands) rebelled against King Robert about nine years ago (he wanted independence). His rebellion was crushed and in it, all his sons (save Theon) died. Theon was then taken as a hostage/ward and raised in the Stark household as an ‘insurance’ against Balon rising up again. E.g, if you rise up again, off with your only son’s head. Theon has then spent most of his life growing up as a Stark and treated fairly well but obviously he resents being a hostage, considering he is the heir to a very proud family (Greyjoys are one of the leading families of Westeros like Lannisters, Starks, Baratheons, etc).

May 23, 2011 at 2:59 AM

Thank you for that explanation and without spoiling what may be coming. I appreciate it!

May 23, 2011 at 4:29 AM

Just to add a bit on the Greyjoys:

They are the head family on the Iron Islands, an archipelago northwest of the main island.

The Iron Islanders are generally despised&feared, due to their earlier habits of playing Viking&havoc through raiding and pillage.

Most don’t think they have given up their desires to return to their old ways, and that only a strong king in Westeros keeps them from launching new raids.

The rebellion of Balon Greyjoy just 9 years ago keep the fear of the Iron Islanders alive.

(All of this is just information given in the book at the time the television series is at present)

May 23, 2011 at 8:11 AM

Don’t forget episode 7 is available on HBO Go all week. I watched it last night. Lots of Jon Snow. The episode overall is a doozy.

May 23, 2011 at 8:51 AM

Dunno if I’d trust bob, CJ … He is a sketchy character.

I finished the first book last night. All I will says I that these books are not what I thought they were about … On many levels.

May 23, 2011 at 9:56 AM

Please elaborate!

May 23, 2011 at 10:06 AM

Ruby: I can’t :)

I will say this though. I finished the first book last night, and to be completely honest, I wish that I hadn’t read the book until after I’d finished watching the show. I was reading along with the show, but spent most of the day on a plane yesterday, and my resolve was lost.

The book is great, don’t get me wrong. But the show is giving everything life that I hadn’t in my imagination.

May 23, 2011 at 10:18 AM

I tried to watch it last night, but I guess demand was more then the HBO GO network could handle. Hoping to get to watch it today.

May 23, 2011 at 10:19 AM

Yeah, it took me 20 minutes of fiddling to finally get it going. It’s a good sign for ratings/future of the show, though.

May 24, 2011 at 12:45 AM

I watched it today. Glad to see some of my predictions so far this season come true.

And, I was happy to see Jon Snow ;)

May 23, 2011 at 9:34 AM

Also, Viserys’s crowning was perhaps the moment I was anticipating most when I heard a series was being made from the book. And it didn’t dissapoint. As horrifying (and satisfying) as it could have been.

He was no Dragon.

May 28, 2011 at 3:31 PM

So I have never heard of this book series (other than it mentioned about this show) … and I was reticent to watch it since I am not a huge fan of this genre of fiction.

However, I just wateched the first 6 episodes back-to-back … and wow. I am completely sucked into this show …

anyway …

Did Lady Stark not realize that her sister was batshit crazy? or was that the warning the soldiers tried to give her when her party was approaching the castle?

as for the motivations at Kings Landing … I thought it was pretty clear … everyone is out for themselves and is scheming behind the back of the king. I do like how EVERYONE has spies and they are all spying on Lord Stark which makes sense since they need to know where he stands.

From what I gathered at the end, when Lord Stark was sitting on the Throne, he basically condemned the Queen’s brother … yes?

As for Daenerys … she mentioned that her brother wasn’t a “dragon” because fire shouldn’t have hurt him … I take it that she IS one since she didn’t burn her hands after picking up the dragons egg from the fire?

I do have to add that I absolutely love the title-credits … they are brilliantly done.

May 28, 2011 at 4:32 PM

Now the early scene where she puts herself in the boiling hot water makes more sense. At the time I thought she was just trying to get the stain of her brothers touch off her.

June 14, 2011 at 2:34 PM

I was happy to see HBO do the Ice and Fire series. The show has progressed nicely. I have been a fan of Game of Thrones since I watched the first episode. Now that I have Sling technology with DISH Network, I never miss any episodes because I can use my iPhone to watch shows on my lunch break at work. Being that I am a customer and employee of DISH I can’t recommend the TV Everywhere feature enough to anyone who likes TV on the go. Right now new DISH Network customers can get a free Sling Adapter. More info online at

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