CliqueClack TV

Supernatural – Humpty Dumpty is back together again

After two hours of what kinda-sorta felt like a season finale but didn't, 'Supernatural' goes out on what felt a heck of a lot like something I'd expect in a penultimate episode.

- Season 6, Episode 21; 22 - "Let It Bleed; The Man Who Knew Too Much"

I’m sure there are a whole lot of you who’ll disagree with me that this season was pretty mediocre in the story arc department. I had a lot of hope going into these last two hours that things would wrap up very tightly, and we’d be rewarded with not only an incredible, stand-out couple of hours of television, but with some sort of point to it all. Instead what we got was something not quite a cliffhanger and more of an introduction into what we’ll be facing next season.

The final moment of the season was something I would’ve expected to see earlier in the season. It’s what would have gotten me to head to the stove to make a bowl of popcorn, because now things were really cooking. We never really got that. Instead, we’re left with little mystery as to what the Winchester boys will be facing next season. I’m not so sure I care for that. It certainly didn’t make this one of the show’s more memorable finales.

This is not to say these were poor episodes. Well, they weren’t particularly that great, either. As I said, these are episodes I would have much rather have seen earlier, perhaps even within the past two episodes before these. I feel like the season was cut in two, and season seven will actually feel more like season 6.5. For two hours of finale — which was actually two separate episodes — things in the final hour felt … incomplete? I’m not sure “rushed” is the right word, because they certainly felt long enough. What I didn’t like was how Sam’s re-piecing together was so strangely secondary to the Castiel part of the story. The second episode started with Sam trapped in his head, and then it’s as though a different set of writers took the Castiel story and blanketed it on top of it toward the end. Sam makes it out of his mental prison, only to … what, walk to where Dean and Bobby were? A quick flash in his head to what Hell was like, a failed execution of Castiel, and that’s the end to Sam’s story. Wait, didn’t the episode start off with Sam in the forefront? Hell, I thought the episode’s title — “The Man Who Knew Too Much” — was referring to Sam. Apparently the writers thought what we saw was enough, so let’s cut to the chase and show you what we have in store for next season.

What I think is in store for next season is what I’ve been saying for some time now: God needs to make an appearance. Castiel is now calling himself “God” — or A god — so wouldn’t that, y’know, sorta piss off the real deal? One thing’s for certain: Misha Collins should probably start looking for work beyond season seven. I can’t see how the season wouldn’t end with Castiel’s death, or perhaps happen sooner. There’s no way he comes out of this all buddy-buddy with the Wincesters, that’s for sure. The good news is Mark Sheppard will undoubtedly be back at some point.

The best part of the two hours, for me, came when Dean asked Castiel to wipe the minds of Lisa and Ben. It’s sad that this could very likely be the last we’ll see of those two, and that Dean’s chances of going back to them for a normal life someday are slim. However, it was a rather fitting way to write the two out of the show without leaving us pining for them to get back together with Dean and live happily ever after.

It’s great that Supernatural will be back to see another season, but I really hope it’s not merely 22 episodes of Sam and Dean trying to put the reigns on Castiel. No matter, this is one of few shows I long for during its off-season, and this will be no exception.


“Hi, glad to meet you. Bobby Singer. Paranoid bastard.” – Bobby

“What, H.P. Lovecraft?” – Sam
“Am I supposed to know who that is?” – Dean
“Horror writer? ‘At The Mountains Of Madness’? ‘The Call of Cthulhu’?” – Bobby
“Yeah … No, I was too busy having sex with women.” – Dean

“Your chocolate has been in my peanut butter for far too long.” – Crowley, to Dean

“You’re from freakin’ Purgatory. You never thought to mention that the whole time you slept with me?” – Bobby

Photo Credit: CW

9 Responses to “Supernatural – Humpty Dumpty is back together again”

May 20, 2011 at 10:56 PM

I’m hoping that next season isn’t focused on killing Castiel, but more on saving him. Because this end of the season, as much as the Winchesters were right in trying to prevent Purgatory from being open, Castiel was trying to prevent a greater evil, and they just never understood him for that. And let’s face it, I think for the most part we’d rather not see him die.

But you’re right, God has to make an appearance at some point next season. I don’t think God though will in paticular care too much if somebody is out there in his name. God hasn’t really seemed to care thus far with what’s been going on with the woruld possibly ending, and then not, and then, and then not.

May 20, 2011 at 11:58 PM

I was on the edge of my seat the whole finale. I enjoyed the whole episode and it was a cliff hanger. The severing of Dean’s ties with Lisa and Ben was sad but just right. Castiel bringing down Sam’s wall and Sam confronting himself was excellent. He even met the ghost of a woman he’d killed. It was well written and well acted.

May 21, 2011 at 12:04 AM

I wish I could have seen the finale. My local station saw fit to show friggin Baseball instead :((

May 24, 2011 at 11:40 AM

why dont you watch it on the internet like a lot of people

here they havent even finished showing season 5 they play 2-3 eps and take it off for severl months if i didnt watch it this way i would really b missing out

May 21, 2011 at 6:37 AM

“Yeah … No, I was too busy having sex with women.” – Dean

Funnily enough, this is the response you get when you ask normal people how they’ve never seen Supernatural.

May 21, 2011 at 11:49 AM

I liked the finale but I am sure I will get slammed for this but…
Supernatural is my favorite show so far and I have been watching TV for a long time and I will continue watching the show in season 7 but right now, I feel the show would have been better if it stopped at season 5. This season just seemed all over the place and fragmented. It just isn’t the same show it was in the beginning. Heck it isn’t even the same show it was last season. Here’s waiting for next season though to see what happens to the boys.

May 21, 2011 at 12:24 PM

I won’t slam you, and I’ll admit I was a little nervous for the first couple episodes this season. I can’t tell you how pleased I am at the way it all came together, though. I suppose I can understand the point Keith made about the story arc not being the best, and your point about it being all over the place. In some ways, those critiques make sense. But I was so pleasantly surprised at how much I loved season 6 and how clever the writers were to find a place to take a series that was only conceived to be 5 seasons of an arc.

I’m not upset with the cliffhanger — we don’t know where the boys will go with Cas, and we don’t don’t how Sam will deal with his memories of Hell. But most of the seasons ended with big questions left for the next season — season one’s car crash started it all!

May 21, 2011 at 12:02 PM

This is my favorite show, along side with fringe, and i’m very happy that they will be back for another season, plus i really enjoy the finally, poor cas!!! it’s going to be a fun ride :)

June 1, 2011 at 5:23 PM

Sadly, Castiel took over the show, with Sam and Dean becoming supporting characters in their own show. The supposed Sam-centric finale was embarassing, with the focus being clearly the Castiel part of the story.I seriously hope that the producers come to their senses in season 7 and remember who this show is about.

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