CliqueClack TV

Desperate Housewives ends with a yawn

Season seven come to a close with a whimper as the Paul Young story is resolved, Tom and Lynette break up, and Carlos and Gaby hide a dead body in a coffee table.

- Season 7, Episode 22 - "And Lots of Security; Come On Over For Dinner"

The women help Gaby hide a dead body

Wow. Was anyone else as bored by the Desperate Housewives season finale as I was? The first hour was at least interesting but nothing happened in the second hour and none of the supposed cliffhangers have that “I can’t wait all summer to see what happens” vibe.

Does anyone care at this point if Tom and Lynette break up? I felt like that couple trapped with them at the B&B every time the episode cut back to that setting. I just wanted to hit the FF button on the remote to get past them. At least Tom finally realized that Lynette is impossible to live with. She’s always been bossy, but the writers have taken a strong, witty character and just made her intolerable. I can’t imagine Tom will actually leave though, because that would leave the show with only two real housewives and three single women (and only one of them still has children living at home).

The wrap-up of the Paul Young/Felicia Tillman plot was good, but resolving that in the first hour left the second hour devoid of any suspense. It was nice to see Paul survive – even though I had him pegged as a goner – and actually accept his fate by confessing his sins. I guess Felicia’s accident was karma catching up to her, but with Paul most likely going back to jail (and off the show) there’s no need to keep her around. It’s a shame they didn’t do more with Zack though.

The whole “is Chuck gay?” plot had a few humorous moments, but did anyone really think that he was, besides Bree and Lee? I’m sure he will stick around next season, and hopefully Bree will find some happiness with him – of course, that is until Chuck finds out Bree is the one who set off his ex-wife. Didn’t she learn anything from not telling Keith about his ex?

The second hour was just a snore as Susan and Mike finally returned to Wisteria Lane. It was pretty funny when she went to see her friends at the most inopportune moments for all of them, but I also wondered why she didn’t go to see Renee (again, it just shows how much they writers don’t know what to do with that character). The dinner party thing was interesting, and they finally gave Renee some material as she went through a week’s worth of emotions in one night, from upset about her ex getting remarried to “falling in love” with the Old Spice guy … I mean the bartender … and then breaking it off with him because he questioned her drinking even though he was the one serving her.

The only real cliffhanger came about after Gaby’s stepfather came into her house, threatened her and Carlos whacked him in the head with a candlestick (insert Clue joke here). It seemed odd that all of Gaby’s friends would have deserted their guests to see what was taking so long with the cheesecake, but I liked how they all banded together to protect Gaby, which also restored the friendship between Carlos and Bree (although a friendship built on a secret has a shaky foundation – now they both have something to use against the other). I guess the real cliffhanger is if the stepfather is really dead. But even that is not something that is going to have viewers buzzing all summer. It will be interesting to see if Marc Cherry can really spice things up next season or if the viewers are finally going to get tired of nothing really happening.

“Gaby, I’m not giving you a gun.” – Bree
“Why not? I let you borrow things all the time.” – Gaby
“Not things that put holes in people.” – Bree

“It isn’t Martha’s fault that Mary Alice shot herself like all your wives seem to.” – Felicia after Paul blamed her sister for his first wife’s suicide

“Okay, I usually don’t talk to the help, but in your case I’ll make an exception … shut up!” – Renee to a bartender who wants to talk about her ex-husband

“Oh good, the gays are here, let the fawning begin.” – Renee as Bob and Lee arrive for dinner

“No, no, no! My Funny Valentine, not so funny the fourth time around.” – Lee as Renee drowns and signs her sorrows away

“Drunk off her ass and not afraid to show it. My kinda gal.” – Roy

Photo Credit: ABC

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