CliqueClack TV

Cougar Town – The mother tongue

Not only do we learn that Nia Vardalos is very flexible in this episode of 'Cougar Town,' but we get a very important lesson in "making it rain."

- Season 2, Episode 19 - "Damaged By Love"

Andy doesn’t know Spanish? Then how did he land any ladies, ever? You would think that Andy, who loves to use the fact that he’s Cuban to his sexy advantage all of the time, would have constantly been wooing the ladies by whispering sweet nothings, like, “donde está el baño, mujer?” And, yes, that means, “where is the bathroom, woman?” but if you say it in a sexy voice, does it really matter?

Regardless, Nia Vardalos, Ian Gomez‘s real-life wife was picking up what he was dropping. I haven’t seen Vardalos on TV since that ill-advised and short-lived show based on My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and I have to say, she was great. I’m sure a lot of it had to do with the natural chemistry she has with her husband, but she was hilarious on this episode of Cougar Town.

I also kind of love how Ellie and Laurie have started becoming genuine friends this season, albeit in a very awkward, mean way. I liked the dynamic of them barely tolerating each other for Jules, but now that they actually kind of like each other, the jokes that they make at each other’s expense are funnier. Although the sausage toes were great, my favorite joke had to have been when Ellie went into Grayson’s bar and started apologizing to the dude with the blond hair.

Even thought this was a really strong episode all around, my absolute favorite part was the fight between Jules and Bobby. While I totally get and have experienced divorced couples who are still friends, the complete and utter lack of tension or bitterness between Jules and Bobby never really felt quite right to me.

Sure, they can be friends, but the fact remains that they were married for nearly twenty years and he cheated on her. Time + cheating usually equals some feelings other than, “let’s be besties!” Especially since Jules isn’t really a “let things roll off her back” kind of gal.

That’s why, when she blew up on Bobby and called him a crappy father, I was really happy. It shows that even though it may not come up on a daily basis, those feelings are there. Jules does feel betrayed and there is more below the surface. Obviously, it’s a comedy, so we don’t need or want to see it that often, but that scene went a long way toward giving the characters even more depth.

Photo Credit: ABC

One Response to “Cougar Town – The mother tongue”

May 12, 2011 at 9:09 AM

I loved this episode, and I’m so glad you mentioned Ellie apologizing to the blonde dude, because I was laughing so hard at that part I had tears rolling down my face. It simply struck me so funny and caught me so off-guard that I burst! That’s what I love about this show, it really is laugh-out-loud funny.

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