CliqueClack TV

NCIS – Bring it in

Was I the only one wondering, before it was suggested that the killer had taped himself, who would have had their cell phone positioned perfectly so as to be able to capture the murder on tape? No one on the team thought of that?

- Season 8, Episode 23 - "Swan Song"

I experienced a mini moment of excitement during the new episode of NCIS last night when the dead person in the body bag’s identity was still unknown, and I imagined that it could be someone of actual significance on the show. But then, as my wife pointed out, it wouldn’t have only been Gibbs who was so upset; Tony, McGee, Ducky, Palmer, Abby, and maybe even Vance would have all been struggling to hold it together too. Besides, then Mike Franks (Muse Watson) popped up and I knew just who it was.

I don’t recall if the hype about who might die on NCIS before the season’s up has been coming from inside the show or from the audience, but to me Franks’ death is largely meaningless. And even though it does affect Gibbs — and apparently his entire team, although I don’t have any firm memories of Franks interacting with them — I always thought that Franks was an unlikely person for Gibbs to look up to. Gibbs has a particular type of person that he’s willing to hold in his esteem, and Franks never gave me a reason to think he was worthy of that.

But even if he had I still might have spent the bulk of the episode rolling my eyes at the Franks sightings. Gibbs walking around with visions of a dead man all around him? Come on. Authentic? Who knows. Interesting? Nope.

The decimation of EJ’s (Sarah Jane Morris) team in the final moments of the episode was a welcome turn of events. I don’t particularly have anything against Gayne Levin (Alimi Ballard) or Simon Cade (Matthew Willig) — do we know what happened between him and Abby in the end? — but her team’s continued presence meant that EJ was still around, so better that they’re gone than our having to deal with her for a long time.

Speaking of EJ, I had a slight notion that she might turn out to be the Port-to-Port Killer; I guess the position she found herself in at the end of the episode would negate that possibility. Now we just have to hope that there’s no last second rescue coming for her.

I have no recollection of Agent Kort (David Dayan Fisher) from before, but I was disappointed to learn that the Port-to-Port Killer was a soldier trained by the CIA. Something about that makes it seem like an easy out, because it not only makes him easier to identify, but it also saves the team from having to uncover his motives … Jonas Cobb (Kerr Smith) is nothing more than a CIA experiment gone wrong.

With so many possible twists available in the identity of the Port-to-Port Killer, I also feel kind of cheated discovering that none of them are correct. It’s not EJ … it’s not CI-Ray Cruz (Enrique Murciano) … it’s not someone else who might have an as-yet-undiscovered interesting relationship to a member of the team. It’s certainly the more likely scenario, but is it the more interesting one? I’m not so sure.

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Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | NCIS | TV Shows |

10 Responses to “NCIS – Bring it in”

May 11, 2011 at 11:32 AM

Why are you writing about this show? You don’t know how Kort figured in major plotlines like La Grenouille, you don’t understand the relationship Franks had with Gibbs and the rest of the team. I’ve questioned this before. Please hand these recaps over to someone with an appreciation of the show and some basic familiarity with the mythology.

May 11, 2011 at 11:35 AM

Sometimes, my friend, I don’t think that we watch the same show. While Franks’ interactions were primarily with Gibbs (and Jenny, when she was around), he’s been with the whole team on many occasions (I specifically remember Tony being his “bodyguard,” and Franks knocking him out and escaping).

Also not remembering Kort? He was a significant part of the Frog storyline (he was undercover CIA w/ the Frog), and has been, IIRC, in several episodes since.

Where I can agree to disagree is EJ. I like her. The world doesn’t need to revolve around Gibbs’ head. I think she was different, and different =/= un-interesting. Morris does an interesting job with the character, and I like that Tony is/was placed between the two of them.

But the first two points, sir, I just can’t see where you’re coming from on. I thought the Franks ghost bit was good, and they didn’t push it too long (I missed the cold open, so wasn’t sure if it was specifically stated, but it was obvious to me what was going on in the first scene in the bullpen).

May 11, 2011 at 12:17 PM

Sorry, I can clarify re your first two points: 1) While I do remember watching the team interact with Franks on numerous occasions, like when he went missing and they came down to Mexico to search for him, I’ve only ever felt that there was an interpersonal relationship between him and Gibbs. It’s like if a childhood friend’s grandparent passes away, someone you “knew” from many interactions in your friend’s house growing up, but not someone whose passing would cause you to do more than send your condolences and think, “that’s really sad.” I’m sure we all have our own examples of that. And 2) While I know that Kort made his appearances in relation to La Grenouille, to me he holds no significance in the show’s mythology, so seeing him lacked the “nice, he’s involved!” moment that comes with appearances by characters like Gibbs Sr., Fornell, or one of Gibbs’ lady friends, or even the groans that come with appearances by Franks, Hart, and Eli David.

May 11, 2011 at 12:40 PM

I think your final statement sums up the differences between us “….the groans that come with appearances by Franks….” If you can’t get behind the Gibbs/Franks dynamic, I’m not sure what it is about this show that you do like :P Plus, it isn’t like this show doesn’t have a history of talking ghosts … not that you liked her anyways.

Kort is a good enough recurring nemesis, and representative of the negative interaction with the CIA, that I have no problems with him being realized as such here. You’re not going to get a “nice, he’s involved!” reaction from seeing an annoying thorn in your side, are you?

I’m surprised you expected the P2P killer to be someone we actually knew (Other than the idea that it might have been EJ, which would have been interesting). It just doesn’t make sense within the construct of the show. When they announced the casting Kerr Smith as an ex-Naval Officer a couple of weeks ago, I kinda figured he’d be the P2P killer automatically.

May 11, 2011 at 2:38 PM

Gibbs/McGee/Tony, of course! And Ducky and Palmer. And Gibbs Sr. and DiNozzo Sr. Gibbs/Franks was really that high up on your list?

On the contrary, I’d groan when I’d see Hart, but I’d also get excited that maybe it meant the return of the Bell plot line (which it never did). And I always felt that Fornell represented the negative interaction with the CIA.

I thought for sure CI-Ray, especially after Ziva went nuts for no reason. I figured she’d give him another shot only for him to turn out to be the killer, shattering her confidence in herself and leaving her crushed. No? :)

May 11, 2011 at 2:58 PM

Not sure how Fornell represents the negative interaction with the CIA when A) His relationship with Gibbs is (at least now) quite cordial and B) He’s FBI.

Yes, I’m much more invested in Franks and Gibbs than either Gibbs and Tony and their fathers. Hard to get involved with characters that have been around four times collectively, whereas Franks has been around much longer. Plus, Franks is kinda badass, and MUCH more linked to this world.

And, I had an admission: Still haven’t caught the last 15 minutes of the episode, so don’t know anything about the Ray stuff. But I heard about Smith before Ray made an appearance (I think), so no, I didn’t expect it to be him.

May 11, 2011 at 3:05 PM

Well then in that case I suppose Kort would do a better job of that representation. Thanks! :)

For me it’s quality over quantity. I was invested in Tony’s father the moment he was introduced because of who and what he is to Tony. Franks could have been a series regular and I never would have gotten hooked by him. I just didn’t like him, nor do I believe that Gibbs would respect him.

I stay away from casting announcements, so I had no idea that there was a guest star of Kerr Smith’s level who was due to make an appearance. For me that takes the fun out of guessing. It probably leads to being wrong more often, but so be it.

May 11, 2011 at 2:19 PM

I was tickled pink to see Kort back. He is a wonderful nemesis.
As for Franks, I loved him. I’m so sorry to see him gone. He will be missed
I don’t think I will be reading your blog any more. I love NCIS and I guess you don’t.

May 11, 2011 at 2:30 PM

Sorry you feel that way! I think you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who likes anything for all the same reasons that you do, or who likes the exact same things about it that you do. After an initial feeling of kinship I find it boring when I agree with everything that someone else thinks, because after saying “Me too!” the conversation’s pretty much over.

Either way, I’m a big fan of the show … I’d hate to think that means I can’t criticize it when I think it’s bad.

May 11, 2011 at 2:41 PM


“I have no recollection of Agent Kort (David Dayan Fisher) from before…”

“And even though it does affect Gibbs — and apparently his entire team, although I don’t have any firm memories of Franks interacting with them — I always thought that Franks was an unlikely person for Gibbs to look up to.”

How big a fan can you be when you don’t understand the basic mythology?

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