CliqueClack TV

Modern Family – Little Pudding Cup

Everyone is playing different roles on this week's 'Modern Family,' but it doesn't really work out for anyone. What we do learn, however, is that pie, milkshakes and go-karts don't mix. Actually, they do, but on the floor of your car.

- Season 2, Episode 22 - "Good Cop Bad Dog"

If you were sick with a bad cold and you and your husband/wife had Lady Gaga tickets, would you just let them go to waste? As much as I’m a complete and total baby when I’m sick, I’m definitely on Team Mitch with this one. Yes, Cam was sick. But he was sweaty, he needed a bunch of tissues, and he had body aches. That to me is a bad cold and thus, is totally something one can handle by himself.

It’s a different story if Cam had to take care of Lily – I’ve absolutely called on family to help me out when I’ve been sick and have had to take care of the baby. But in this case, Lily was going to be dropped off at Claire and Phil’s, so I really don’t see the problem. I could see Mitch canceling dinner plans to take care of Cam, but Lady Gaga tickets? That’s just crazy talk. Am I a jerk for feeling that way?

Speaking of jerks, Phil made an awesome bad cop. Sure, some may say he went a little bit overboard, but as someone who has looked at her own child and said, “he’s a monster,” I can totally sympathize. Claire, on the other hand, was terrible. Although I imagine beating a couple of 12-year-olds in go karts can be quite satisfying, combining pie and milkshakes isn’t fun for anyone – especially the person who has to clean out the car. We all have our roles, and as much as we may want to break out of them, we probably have them in the first place for a reason.

Jay and Gloria, on the other hand, seem to switch roles a lot. They both certainly wear the pants in the family and seem to alternate who leads the household. Granted, while it usually starts out as Jay, it has a tendency to end up with Gloria taking the lead, but still. They seem to have a pretty good balance.

I loved Gloria’s reactions to the good dog/bad dog presentation. She seemed so genuinely delighted in everything, that I honestly thought she believed in the idea. It’s funny how the show has never really portrayed Gloria as a dumb bimbo, yet we keep thinking she is, only to be disabused of that notion in hilarious ways.

Jay’s always been a softie, so it was no surprise that he decided to keep the dog. Manny was certainly happy, although I don’t foresee us actually seeing the dog in future episodes. After all, if Lily hasn’t talked in two years, what chance does a dog have on this show?

Photo Credit: ABC

One Response to “Modern Family – Little Pudding Cup”

May 11, 2011 at 10:38 PM

Yeah… good points. I found this an average episode, with no laugh out loud moments, but enjoyable overall. Mitchel/Cameron’s story was forgettable, but the others were pretty good.

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