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Desperate Housewives – Living on Wisteria Lane could kill you

Gaby shows Juanita a scary movie, Bree dates a detective, Susan realizes her food has been poisoned, and the tension between Tom and Lynette finally comes to a head.

- Season 7, Episode 21 - "Then I Really Got Scared"

A "killer" stalks Gaby and Juanita

Not a lot happened on the next to last episode of the season of Desperate Housewives, but I have got to say that I am just about at my breaking point with Lynette.

Nothing against Felicity Huffman; this intense dislike is placed squarely at the feet of Marc Cherry for taking a strong, sharp-witted character and turning her into a complete shrew. I liked Lynette when she was the high-powered businesswoman and Tom stayed home to take care of the family. But ever since the last kid was born, Lynette has had to sit back and watch Tom be the successful one … and she just seethes at the thought that he’s now doing better in life than she is.

Okay, I can sympathize with some of her resentment, but week after week, fight after fight, you’d think Lynette could sit back and enjoy her life and her husband’s success. She started a new design company with Renee, which from what we’ve been told is on its way to success – except we never really see the two of them working, and when we did it was on Tom’s office and Lynette almost screwed that up. Lynette has a great life, a great husband, great kids, a new career path ahead of her and yet she can’t ever be happy.

I got so upset with her attitude when Tom presented the family with first class plane tickets to Hawaii for a family vacation (because she had spent weeks planning a road trip), that I wished Tom would have just told her to stay home then if she couldn’t find one tiny bit of pleasure in their new-found financial security. At least he finally had the balls to stand up to her but poor Penny had to hear the entire name-calling episode and more damage was done. Maybe with this tension that has been boiling all season finally coming to the surface, they’ll either fix the relationship or one of them will be gone next season. At this point, I’m ready for the whole Scavo family to leave Wisteria Lane.

There was some humor this week as Gaby made a grave error in watching a horror movie with Juanita and then having to assure her that there is no killer on the front lawn. Then Lee shows up with an axe! But it all worked out … until some mysterious man (Betty Suarez’ father!) showed up and hid in the shadows, watching Gaby from the darkness.

I enjoyed Bree’s dinner date as she presented her detective beau with some information that Renee was able to dig up on him, and then he turned the tables and told her what he had found from her police record. I don’t know how I would have reacted if someone told a young streetwalker some story that I had been in her shoes at one point, but it seemed to help the girl see that life could get better and it melted Bree’s heart a bit too.

And poor Susan. Still unaware that her food is being poisoned. When Paul confronted her with the facts and she realized that the cookies she gave to the Parents’ Association at the school she used to work at (and wants to work at again) were also poisoned, she knew it had to be Felicia but she failed to mention that to Paul as she bolted out the door. Of course, Paul showed up at the school with the police to make a dramatic arrest. It should be easy enough to convince Paul that Felicia is the culprit, but the way things are going, I see Marc Cherry putting Susan in the electric chair next week just before “To Be Continued” comes up on screen.

Photo Credit: ABC

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