CliqueClack TV

The Office – Michael Scott, we hardly knew ye

I got a very strong George Costanza vibe when Jim slipped into the meeting in Deangelo’s office. Remember the season two episode of 'Seinfeld', "The Revenge," when George tried going back to work after quitting?

- Season 7, Episode 23 - "The Inner Circle"

Even the theme song for this week’s episode of The Office was quick to move past the former beloved boss of Dundler Mifflin Scranton, replacing the closing shot of Michael turning around his Dundie with Deangelo Vickers (Will Ferrell) turning around … a pumpkin head man? Not sure what he was doing, but that definitely wasn’t Michael. I guess he really is gone.

Deangelo’s presence has become rather tiresome. How much fun is it to watch an office full of people suck up to the new boss? When it was Dwight kissing up to Michael back in seasons one and two there was something funny about watching the sycophancy, but on a mass scale it’s kind of hard to find much enjoyment.

Darryl, Jim, Gabe, and Kevin have come to form Deangelo’s inner circle — I wonder if Kevin landed there before or after Deangelo reported that “Kev’s got me pegged” — and while I love any group that includes Kevin “Did you get that, Ma?” Malone, there’s nothing new about the exclusionary nature of the bosses in the office. Does anyone remember Michael turning to female employees the way he leaned on Dwight, Jim, and Andy? Because I don’t.

But it was funny watching Deangelo try and woo Dwight. I love that in his relationship with his son he’s the one who’s disinterested, and it was perfect that it was a strong command that finally got through to Dwight. Not that Michael ever displayed this, but it’s very true what Dwight said about himself: “I respond to strong leadership.” And I loved Dwight’s comparison of the NBA and the WNBA: “I love sports, I love jokes,” so he’s okay with both leagues.

But Deangelo himself was tiring. I didn’t find his imaginary juggling funny at all, and while his ridiculous display at the dunk exhibition was very Will Ferrell, I still found the whole thing annoying. I’m not sure how I feel about the creative choices behind the completely preposterous end to Deangelo’s reign — he is done for now, right? — but assuming he’s gone for good I’m okay having him go out any way that means he’s gone.

I feel even more confident that Darryl’s the choice for manager now that Sabre’s paying for him to go to business school at night. You could argue that before he finishes school he won’t be prepared for the position, but he can’t do any worse than Michael or Deangelo, so I have to think that he’ll learn on the job as he learns in school. I just don’t see an outsider being brought in, and I can’t imagine anyone — save for a dark horse — taking the job from front runner Darryl right now.

As an aside, since when is Andy talking to Angela? I can’t remember seeing the two speak since their relationship ended, yet last night they were not only sitting next to one another in the break room but also conversing. When did that happen?

And Pam? “The Horse Flyer?” I think even CeCe might have to take a pass on reading that.

The Office says farewell to Michael Scott [51iVeE9Lt2L. SL160 ] (IMAGE)The Office says farewell to Michael Scott [51oc6QJyVEL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)The Office says farewell to Michael Scott [51jJqu3mGTL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: NBC

4 Responses to “The Office – Michael Scott, we hardly knew ye”

May 6, 2011 at 5:44 PM

My guess is Deangelo is being made out as obnoxious as possible so no matter who is chosen to be the new boss for real, the viewers can say, “Well, he’s more fun to watch than Deangelo!”

May 6, 2011 at 5:52 PM

I thought the whole wooing Dwight thing was hilarious because before Dwight was the office suck-up, and now he is the one person not sucking up to Deangelo. Loved that.

As for the fake juggling, I originally thought Deangelo was testing them – like to see if anyone would have the guts to say, “The Emperor has no clothes.” But I guess not.

May 7, 2011 at 10:05 AM

I know you hate everything, but I found this episode a breath of fresh air. I enjoy seeing how the characters I’ve come to know over the years react to the new boss. Particularly Jim, who’s realizing just how good he had it with Michael, and Dwight, whose over-the-top responses to Deangelo’s overtures are extremely amusing to me. Strong episode, I thought, and a nice new direction for the show.

May 9, 2011 at 9:11 PM

Booooo! I want Michael back, my life is so depressing without him.

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