CliqueClack TV

The Killing – The teacher, the wife or the mover?

We have reached Day Six of the Rosie Larsen murder investigation with Bennet as the main suspect. Rosie is laid to rest as her family continues to grieve.

- Season 1, Episode 6 - "What You Have Left"

The Killing investigation picked up right where it left off the previous two days with the prime suspect being the teacher, Bennet. In “What You Have Left” not much progress was made on the murder investigation, but we learned more about those involved.

Last week, I thought that Bennet was being set up as the murderer for political reasons, but now I think that is unlikely. His relationship to Richmond’s youth program has been politicized, but now I think the Mayor is just taking advantage of the situation. I’m going to stick by my belief from the last two weeks that he isn’t responsible for her death. I’m not sure what to make of the freaky stalker guy next door who said he saw Bennet and someone else (his wife) carrying out a girl. Was he encouraged to tell that story to the cops?

As of last week, most voted that Bennet’s wife, Amber, or the mover, Belko, was the killer. While there hasn’t been any evidence or investigation into him, the evidence against her increased this week. Besides, the eyewitness next door, her sister said she didn’t arrive until 1:00 in the morning. What was she doing on the floor in the corner with a hammer? Is she mentally unstable? I think it is likely that she fought with Rosie that night over her husband, but I don’t think she or Bennet killed Rosie.

Belko is an interesting choice. His actions have been suspect even if he hasn’t been considered by the police. It’s surprising to me that they haven’t questioned him. He works in the same place that the Larsen’s live. Why wouldn’t they ask him at least a few questions. He first offers to “take care” of Richmond when he was a suspect and now wants Stan to “take care” of Bennet. Is that to keep the focus away from himself?

Back to Bennet as a suspect again, for the first time this season, I was intrigued by the election storyline. It took high levels of integrity for Richmond to stand strong in his principles. He easily could have sold out Bennet as the suspect and sullied the teacher forever. Richmond strongly believes in innocent until proven guilty. It was a politically risky move, but earned my respect. Hopefully, he will be rewarded for his righteousness.

Other  thoughts:

  • Sarah is going to owe her son $50 million; there is no way they are making the flight. Perhaps, she will send her son without her.
  • Sarah’s past obsession with a mystery case is brought up again by Regi. Please oh please let us in on what happened.
  • Who is Holder’s mystery man? He gave Holder money yesterday and today gives him tips to steer the Larsen investigation toward Stan’s mob past?
  • Terry has been strong over the last few days for her family, but she finally broke down after Rosie’s wake.
  • What will Stan do with Bennet?

Last week, the top five finishers in the “Who killed Rosie Larsen?” poll results were: Amber (16%), Belko (16%), Rick (9%), Bennet (9%), Adams (9%). After the 6th day of the investigation, who do you think killed Rosie?



Photo Credit: AMC

One Response to “The Killing – The teacher, the wife or the mover?”

May 4, 2011 at 6:27 PM

Charter finally fixed the issues and I have seen all the episodes.

I think it’s clear Bennet never killed the girl, too obvious. The thing with his wife maybe doing it was kind of nice, but I feel someone else is using them, someone powerful like the mayor.

However my views may be bias because I hate the mayor so much. :)

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