CliqueClack TV

Chuck – And, Agent X is….

Tonight, we found out about Agent X and that revelation explains much about Chuck and Ellie's life. The wedding is near as the fiancées celebrated their bachelor and bachelorette parties. And, Bin Laden makes an appearance.

- Season 4, Episode 22 - "Chuck Versus Agent X"

How awesome was “Chuck vs. Agent X” tonight? Pretty awesome, well, except for the bachelor party planned by Awesome. The bachelor and bachelorette party were disasters. I was expecting them to be full of laughs, but the “detour” to Las Vecas fell a little flat. It had so much potential too. I’m willing to forgive that part, because the rest of the episode – kicked ass!

The relationship between Chuck and Ellie is one of the closest and most endearing on television. It’s been distressing to watch Chuck deal with lying to Ellie, then her lying to him and worst of all — him knowing she was lying. Ultimately, they were trying to protect each other and were lying out of pure love. I was glad to see Chuck take it on himself to come clean to Ellie. In the end, they know each other so well that it was fitting that she figured it out herself. As is normal with their relationship, they just accept each other without any big fights or drama.

The scene where Ellie sees Chuck as the intersect in action for the first time — the awe and amazement in her eyes — priceless. I could watch that over and over again. Ellie seamlessly fit into the team, so well, that I kinda want her to permanently work with them. Then again, I don’t. Though, I could see her fill the Mrs. King role.

The reveal of Alexei Volkoff as Agent X was not surprising at all, but the way it was revealed was entertaining. His mother is the bomb! How fun was she … from entertaining them, to pulling out a shotgun on Chuck, to shooting at the mercenaries, and then especially running the machine gun. But, the top highlight was seeing her enjoy, yes, enjoy blowing up her home.

Where do we go from here? Was Casey right to lock away Hartley’s spy will and have them forget the truth about Volkoff? He was trying to protect them, but I’m afraid that they will end up in more danger as they continue their Agent X mission without Casey’s help.

As Ellie said, “We’re supposed to fix him. This isn’t for the CIA to solve, Chuck. I think this is for us.”

It was a relief to see various storylines pulled together with the single reveal of Agent X. I’m looking forward to finding out the truth behind Chuck and Ellie’s parents’ involvement with Winterbottom/Volkoff.

Notes and Quotes:

  • “No. Forget the casinos. Best thing about Vegas is the gun ranges. I brought some of my fancy targets.” — Casey holding a bin Laden target. Wow. Who would have thunk he wouldn’t be a target anymore?
  • Nice to see Lester interact with Big Mike alone without Jeff. And then the three of them together heading to the casino. (Wouldn’t they have needed a passport?)
  • A top CIA spy in a … toliet paper dress? HA!
  • The strippers were entertaining; too bad Sarah couldn’t enjoy the moment.
  • “Ooh, umm, is that a gun … no.” — Sarah
  • “What are you waiting for, laddie? Lay down some fire.” — Mrs. Winterbottom to Casey
  • “You’re like the mother I never had.” — Casey to Mrs. Winterbottom
  • “They order a guy like me to put a bullet in each one of our heads.” — Casey

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Chuck | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Chuck – And, Agent X is….”

May 3, 2011 at 1:42 PM

John Casey killed Bin Laden.

May 3, 2011 at 11:06 PM

I really loved the way Casey instantly fell in love with Mrs. Winterbottom when she pulled out the big machine gun. The “mother” quote was priceless!

You’re right about the easy reveal of Agent-X being Volkoff. We all agreed he was probably the one right after it was revealed he was given an undercover persona and was never able to be recovered and “repaired.” I guess there will be some more Timothy Dalton in the future and I fully expect to see Hartley Winterbottom returned to his proper self. Then I guess he’ll have to help fight his own daughter. That should be interesting. I wonder if he’ll be more like the “Tuttle” character he was masquerading as when he first appeared on the show?

“Chuck” had better get a renewal now. Things are getting even more interesting and fun. Having Ellie in on the secret and possibly some of the action every so often will be interesting to watch. They made it abundantly clear that she’s nothing short of a genius when it comes to solving puzzles, riddles and mysteries. She’s a natural fit as the intelligence part of the team. No need to put her in harm’s way when she can use her genius right from Castle and take care of the baby!

May 3, 2011 at 11:55 PM

To answer your passport question – You don’t need one to get into Canada, you need one to get back into the US.

May 4, 2011 at 12:10 AM

Good to know. Wonder if they will have a problem getting back into the US? I’m guessing it will just be dropped.

May 4, 2011 at 10:00 AM

It will probably be dropped, but wouldn’t that make a good storyline, eh. They get trapped in Canada and the team has to go on a rescue mission. Everyone knows how ruthless us Canadians are!

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