CliqueClack TV

Vampire Diaries – Everyone is so screwed

Getting kind of tired of attempting to write coherent reviews of 'The Vampire Diaries,' when all I want to do is scream, "OMG!" And I mean that in a good way. So instead, I speckle tonight's musings with my predictions for how things could play out in the next two episodes.

- Season 2, Episode 20 - "The Last Day"

“Bonnie can’t use that much power without dying.” – Elena, on Bonnie killing Klaus
“I’ll write her a great eulogy.” – Damon

I thought Elena and company were screwed before … before Damon made her drink his blood, before Tyler was after Matt and Caroline, before Damon got bitten by Tyler and before Jenna was turned into a vampire (Just an aside here — Alaric really has terrible luck with the ladies.). How are they going to get out of this one? Someone’s not. Jules is completely expendable, but something tells me someone a little more major in the cast will bite the dust as well. My psychic vibes are telling me Jenna, since we don’t need another vampire running around Mystic Falls. Heck, she could just die from the emotional trauma of the last 24 hours and I’d buy it.

Although … if Alaric gets spared (lame, but yay) just so he can deliver a message — un-compelled, I might add — then isn’t everyone safe on some level? Well, no, because this is The Vampire Diaries, the show that has probably killed off more main characters in two seasons than any show in the history of television. OK, Days of Our Lives did it, but it didn’t count when they were all really alive and held captive on Stefano’s island.

If I can continue for a moment with my ’80s and ’90s Days of Our Lives references, when Matt rode in on his white horse (what do you mean, there was no horse?) to save Caroline, I pictured Bo Brady stopping the Hope / Larry wedding, speeding there on his motorcycle to Bonnie Tyler’s “Hero” to save the day. That Matt, what a cowboy. I could just eat him up. I’m so glad he went with his heart instead of being poisoned by the sheriff’s prejudice.

I predict that Bonnie’s going to smoke that bitchy Greta (why are all witches bitchy?), whom I was right about — she wasn’t “lost,” in her own words. Bonnie probably won’t die … perhaps Elijah can use his elixir for Bonnie.

Only two more episodes, and I can’t wait to see Damon get cured when he bites Tyler, ’cause I’m totally right about this … I know the cure for a werewolf bite. Jules will be dying, and even though Damon tried to save her, it will be all for naught. She’ll have a moment of kindness on her deathbed and she’ll tell Damon how to heal himself. Or maybe she’ll do it out of spite when Tyler turns on her … that sounds more like Jules.

This and that:

  • What am I missing? I can’t even seem to remember why Klaus is holding Katherine captive, why he is compelling her (’cause she’s been pretty useless) and why he doesn’t just use her as the vampire to break the curse.
  • Can Damon and Stefan please stop with the physical brotherly animosity? The tussles are just fodder for incestuous fan fiction in the vein of Wincest.
  • “She’ll never forgive you … and never for a vampire is a very long time.” – Elijah to Damon, in reference to Damon forcing Elena to drink his blood
  • Nina Dobrev made up for her lame British accent last week when Elena heartbreakingly confessed to Stefan that she didn’t want to be a vampire. Really nice performance.
  • You had to know something awful would happen when Jenna actually forgave Alaric.
  • Caroline will be able to talk Tyler out of eating her and Matt … they had a nice chat before he went wolf-y and he loves her.

What about you — any predictions for what will happen in the next couple of episodes?






Photo Credit: Bob Mahoney/The CW

11 Responses to “Vampire Diaries – Everyone is so screwed”

April 28, 2011 at 11:27 PM

So is Elena going to turn or not? I don’t know. I’m sure she will eventually, as all the MAJOR plot points from the book series have been used in the show – they have been tweaked, altered etc., but they are there – and the Elena getting turned is kinda a big one. So yeah, I figure she will be turned, but if it is this season, I don’t think it will be so obvious as to happen during the ritual or anything. It will be like an ‘end of the show, everything is over, all is well and happy, and then during the last thirty seconds she gets hit by a car with vampire blood still in her system’ thing or some-such.

PS. – Just a question, why (and this is not the only place that does this) does everyone insist on saying that this show kills off main characters? They have YET to kill of anyone who was not officially listed as a ‘guest star’ and sorry, guest stars are there to be killed. Vicki, Grams, all the tomb vamps, Rose, and all the rest seem to me to be the very definition of secondary characters, not main. Jenna, Alaric, Bonnie, Jeremy – these would be people who’s death would surprise and impress me. I’m worried that this season’s ‘death’ will be John somehow dieing to save Elena, and that again to me would seem like a cop-out as I don’t really consider him a ‘main’ character either.

April 29, 2011 at 3:03 AM

I wonder if Damon really has a werewolf bite? How will he survive it? Will the elixir work on him or Jenna to save them? Do the werewolves know how to save someone from a bite? I think we will lose a few characters. Maybe Jenna or Bonnie? Where was Elijah for the rest of this episode? He would know that Klaus would have multiple back up plans. Has he been working for Klaus all along? Doesn’t Damon know any more witches? Matt and Caroline’s mom are also in danger of being killed off. Great stuff! So nice that the show has not been predictable! I love it!

April 29, 2011 at 1:14 PM

I suppose you have a point, but it was just so in-your-face in season one, when we weren’t sure who was going to be a regular cast member and who wasn’t. Many of the casualties felt very main character-y. Also, even though they may have only been guest stars, a lot of the deaths have been characters that were integral to the plot and would have continued to be so if they had not been offed. So that’s why I think no one is safe! :-)

April 29, 2011 at 1:13 PM

Heart across the room moment(s): both belong to Damon this week.

1.HORROR: No Damon, No! You didn’t…jaw drops, *hides eyes* Oh honey, Why?! She will never forgive you! *Sigh* I guess if I was really thinking, Damon feeding Elena his blood is not surprising, but it shocked the hell outta me. He loves her so much & is DESPERATE, seeing no other way out. I did miss the veiny vamp face, but oh the consequences of this action, they will be there buddy.

2.TERROR: “Wolf-bite! Wolf-bite! Run!” this is what I screamed at the TV when Tyler was changing. I knew someone was going to get bit but I thought it would be Caroline, or maybe Matt. Damon?! No. No. No. (cue internal panic attack) “is he leaving the show?!” No, the writers love us too much for that, Ian loves us too much. Right?! Right?! After the bestie threw water in my face to calm me down, I decided to go with no, they WON’T kill him, since that is the only rational decision.

On to how will he survive? Post-panic my next thought was “I bet Rose didn’t need to die” Ohhh how horrendous that would be for Damon to deal with…as long it saves his life, I am okay with that. Maybe he has to bite Tyler (Remember Jules saying “Bite me” when he asked for a cure for Rose? that always stuck with me) or maybe because Tyler wasn’t a complete wolf yet it won’t be fatal…there are so many possibilities, I can’t wait to find out.

Best acting goes to: Nina She broke my heart with her speech to Stefan, I am tearing up just thinking about it. Good for her for using her head & realizing at 17 you don’t know all the answers especially when it comes to love. Anyone remember who they were in love with at 17? I do! It was going to last FOREVER, us against the world. Yeah, didn’t quite work out like that…to quote TVD “the sun came up & reality set in” huge props to Elena this week. Stefan knowing this & respecting her for it kills me too, wow Stefan you really do love her. Sidenote: Paul Welsey’s tears might have actually broken my heart in half, it’s ridiculous the affect they have on me. Will she really turn? That is a critical point for Season 3. Honestly I am expecting it to happen, but not this soon…I’m not quite ready to give up human Elena just yet.

Okay, as if I couldn’t be shocked more, Aunt Jenna a vamp?! Aunt Jenna dead?! I’m pretty sure that’s her grave in the preview dammit. I love her and more Alaric…he’s catching up with Jeremy for lady trouble. Speaking of Jeremy, you & Bonnie need to come back, the team’s in trouble. Witchy JuJu needed!

Love the vibes I’m getting from Caroline regarding Tyler. I didn’t really buy them together before, but this new mellower Tyler is melting my heart. This has the potential for real love triangle, especially now that Care knows that Matt’s in the know. May the all 3 survive so we can find out!

Lastly Klaus. Oh Klaus…you are one BAMF! Damon has seriously met his match because you can cause some serious damage with those damn dimples of yours. Burning Katherine? *shivers* Scared of you sweetheart xx you also had one of my favorite lines to Alaric “Thanks for the loaner mate” *accent swoon* Accents are like compulsion to me, they erase all that bad shit you do…#accentwhore.

Other fave lines Elena “Close your eyes. Close your eyes.” *sniff*
Damon “I’m surrounded by idiots, I need all the help I can get”
Most ironic line: Damon to Tyler “don’t make me regret doing this” Um…yeah…that one literally came back to bite you. How sad since were actually saving them. Kudos writers you have leveled me again, not sure if I’m strong enough for the last 2 episodes…

April 30, 2011 at 1:00 AM

I must say that I think Nina’s English accent in the last episode can be forgiven if you look at it like this: Nina is playing Katherine, who originally had a Bulgarian accent and was trying to fit in while in England but kind of failing in the accent department. So really, blame the character ;D

I really hope you’re right about cure for Damon’s bite. I don’t think this show would be as awesome if Damon weren’t around to screw things up. Love that man *swoons*

April 30, 2011 at 10:33 AM

Very nice explanation for the bad accent! :-)

April 30, 2011 at 6:42 AM

I just have one question… maybe I missed something…
When Elijah came back in the Salvatore house, he couldn’t breathe because he wasn’t invited in.
My question is, did Alaric invite Klaus in?!
I mean when Klaus got back to his own body and came out of that box or whatever, he didn’t have any problems… :|

April 30, 2011 at 10:33 AM

I think probably the apartment was leased in Klaus’s name, much like the house now being in Elena’s so she had to invite Stefan and Damon back in.

April 30, 2011 at 12:46 PM

It was Alaric’s place. That’s why Alaric had to invite Damon in to talk to Katherine.

April 30, 2011 at 1:01 PM

Then Klaus was sort of invited in when he was in Alaric’s body, I guess? And then Damon had to be invited in b/c it was Alaric’s place — you just explained 2 questions, Carla! :-)

April 30, 2011 at 12:44 PM

in that case why Damon needed invitation?!
vampires don’t need invite to a house owned by another vampire.

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