CliqueClack TV

Survivor – Tribal Council with a twist

Not many surprises this week, even with a double elimination twist at Tribal Council, as the Ometepe tribe members continue to dominate the game.

- Season 22, Episode 11 - "A Mystery Package"

A twist at Tribal Council sends two people to Redemption Island

After last week’s pretty eye-opening socially relevant episode of Survivor, it was a pretty dull week (unless you count Phillip miraculously finding his shorts) as the inevitable quickly approached — with a twist.

Poor Matt seemed pretty beat down after having been on Redemption Island for 21 days (compared to his 7 days in the actual game), wasting away both physically and spiritually. Where Matt was once holding on to his faith that God wanted him there for a reason, it seems that he’s now not quite sure why God has forsaken him. Julie and Mike have picked up on Matt’s weakened spirit and thought that maybe that would give them an advantage at the duel, but God works in mysterious ways and Matt won the duel first, followed by Mike which sent Julie to the jury. I felt for Julie when she was eliminated because of the personal financial problems she’s having, but taking a chance on winning a million dollars on a game show that requires you to put your life on hold for up to 39 days (or more counting pre-and post-show obligations) really doesn’t seem to be the responsible way of getting yourself out of the hole.

Andrea has inadvertently put herself on the chopping block. Apparently not learning anything from Matt’s second blindside, Andrea told Ashley and Natalie that she felt bad for Matt and responsible for breaking his spirit. The girls have told Rob that she’s too friendly with the remaining Zapatera tribe members, so all of that has put a giant target on her back. After Grant won immunity and reward (he also let Rob and Andrea share in his giant chocolate cake and cold milk, which they had two minutes to eat), Jeff threw a little twist into things when he gave them a mystery package that could only be opened at Tribal Council. Everyone guessed that it may have signaled a second vote that night, but who to vote out?

Rob, always watching the comings and goings of the tribe, had Steve in his sights but after the challenge Steve seemed worn out and Ralph still had his head in the game. Not quite ready to cut anyone from his own tribe just yet, Rob decided the vote would be for Ralph and Andrea would be the second choice if it came to that. Steve was safe … until he got a second wind and made the most stupid move he could have made — campaigning against Rob with Ashley and Natalie. And Steve didn’t even have a compelling argument, he just told the girls the obvious that Rob was deciding who they all voted for. No duh, Steve. He really thought he could get them and Andrea on board to vote Rob out, not knowing that they were already prepared to vote out Andrea. Of course they ran right to Rob like diligent little soldiers and Andrea’s target got moved right on to Steve’s back.

At Tribal, Steve still tried to play the worn out old man but Jeff called him out for saying what he thought would keep him safe while Grant and Phillip both pointed out that Steve is a former football player who doesn’t know the word ‘quit.’ Steve even went for a Hail Mary play by reminding the tribe of Rob’s deceitful actions on Survivor All-Stars when he asked Lexx to save Amber (then Rob’s girlfriend), which he did, then he turned right around and voted Lexx out. Jeff also pointed out that Amber then beat Rob, but Rob remained loyal to her and Rob added that he has been to this day. It was no surprise then that Ralph was voted out, but there was the twist came and it came down to a memory game, which Rob won, and Steve was also sent to Redemption Island.

That leaves six tribe members left in the game, all Ometepe (I guess they can burn that Murlonio banner), one of whom will have to be sacrificed at the next Tribal Council. The question is when will the lone Redemption Island resident return to the game with only nine days left? There are four people there now vying for the spot — Matt, Mike, Ralph and Steve. Three Zapatera and one person out for revenge. If Matt gets back in the game, he is going to have to convince Rob that he never had any intentions of doing anything but what Rob said and then he’s going to have to orchestrate a coup to send Rob to the jury. A total longshot, in my opinion. As long as the next vote doesn’t totally fracture the tight-knit Ometepe tribe, this is Rob’s game to lose.

Photo Credit: CBS

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