CliqueClack TV

The Middle – Is Sue even fun to laugh at anymore?

I didn’t quite see the connection to the main story, but I loved the beginning of the episode with Brick getting sick: fever mellows out his quirks ... the more normal he acts, the sicker he is. That was hilarious!

- Season 2, Episode 20 - "Royal Wedding"

What could have been — what should have been — a fun, light episode of The Middle last night turned into perhaps the most annoying exhibition by these characters to date. The episode had three stories, and while Mike’s wasn’t particularly grating, none of the three were interesting to me.

The great pretzel strike at the quarry was too whacky to be cute. Looking to save money, Mike cut the complimentary pretzels that he keeps in his office … I suppose I could more believe that his employees would react the way that they did — sometimes it really is the little things — than that pretzels are a constructive source of savings. Mike’s response of incredulity was right on, but I still thought it was just a bunch of nonsense.

Sue trying out for an anchor slot on the Shucker News team held a lot of promise, but at some point I started to wonder both why Brick bothers anymore, and also whether Sue’s predictable plot lines are still worth laughing at after all this time. Clearly once she started down the path of trying out she was going to embarrass herself miserably. Also clearly the embarrassment wasn’t going to affect her that significantly, because how much lower can she go? So there was a predictable outcome without much consequence. Was that funny for the umpteenth time? Not really.

As far as Frankie’s concerned, I’ll acknowledge the fact that she already had a tough mountain to climb with me, because I think the world’s obsession with the upcoming British Royal Wedding is ridiculous. What is the draw of someone else’s pomp and circumstance? And what’s with the nonsensical commemorative item industry that’s spawned around the event? The entire thing’s just a lot of noise to me.

So Frankie was already down a few strikes, but she didn’t help herself by being — dare I say after her explosion — annoying. And completely irrational, buying a $3,000 HDTV that she planned to return after the event. That’s the entertainment version of the less-than questionable “buying a dress but not cutting off the tags so you can return it the next day” scheme, and for the sake of teaching Frankie a lesson I was hoping that something would happen to the TV to keep her from being able to return it. Then again, Mike wouldn’t have deserved that.

And while I understood her point during her nutty, I still think she was being completely ridiculous with her obsession with the event. Yes, catching vomit in your hands should bank you a few points, but if an expensive cream is enough to send the family’s expenses over the edge, what about a TV that costs more than ten times as much? And once she brought it home, why couldn’t everyone at least get to enjoy it a little before it had to go back?

I also think that, in the end, the family once again had to pay for Frankie’s insanity. Last time Mike also picked up extra shifts/jobs to pay for the cream; this time he had to spoon-feed Frankie a commentary on the wedding and all of it’s many moving pieces. What did he do to deserve that? Frankie’s punishment should have been the pink eye, and while she was suffering Mike should have returned the TV. Done and done. Otherwise the wrong person’s paying for Frankie’s craziness.

Anyway, not an “on” episode.

The Middle The son surpasses the father [51BgeXO61uL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: ABC

4 Responses to “The Middle – Is Sue even fun to laugh at anymore?”

April 21, 2011 at 4:46 PM

I love The Middle and I love Sue. But last night, I just felt like I was being a just watching poor Sue! It would be nice to see her have a winning moment every now and then.

April 21, 2011 at 6:22 PM

I don’t understand why you write reviews anymore. haha

You seem to hate every show on the face of the Earth, besides Weeds a show so lame and stupid now that i couldn’t even bring myself to watch season 6 episodes. I felt like I was being tortured.

Why not the best episode in the world, the pretzel thing was really dumb, it was still fine. I loved the fact they went crazy on the whole stupid, useless wedding. She seems to care more about this wedding than her own. I would have been fine with the episode, except for the ending. I hated the ending. She should have just been shown to be a crazy woman and screw over those “Look what I do for you guys” bullshit. That brought the episode down from a 7ish to a 5.5.

April 22, 2011 at 8:36 PM

I agree with everything you said. Sue has become too one-dimensional for me. Royal wedding obsession is so far beyond my comprehension. Brick is always awesome.

The one thing I really loved about this episode was Axl. Sometimes he gets me, sometimes not so much, but making fun of the commemorative plate was hilarious!

April 23, 2011 at 11:11 PM

I actually know someone who is Princess Diana obsessed (there is an entire room in said friend’s house devoted to Diana) and is going to London for the wedding – so I could relate to the insanity of it all and I actually thought it was a very funny episode.

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