CliqueClack TV

Most anticipated finale events – Quibbling Siblings

Every week brother and sister team Bob and Debbie take on a new topic. This week we talk about the finales and sweeps events that we are most looking forward to this season.


As we rocket toward the end of the network season, I’m wondering what you’re looking forward to the most. Will it being squeeing over something on The Vampire Diaries? Maybe a big Modern Family finale?

For me, there are a few things that I’m really anticipating. First would be the return of paintball to Community. Last season’s “Modern Warfare” elevated Community from good to fantastic in my book. I’m a little concerned about living up to the expectations set from last year’s paintball battle, but I’m still looking forward to it. Then there are the final episodes of The Good Wife. With the revelations of the past few episodes coming to a head, I can’t wait to see the showdown between Alicia and Peter and what it will mean for their relationship moving forward. Most likely, Will is going to play into the story in some way, even if he and Alicia still lack chemistry. Finally, there is Steve Carell’s final episode on The Office. Yes, the show has been going downhill the past couple years, but I’m still eager to see how he is going to exit the show and if we are going to get any hint on what next season will look like.

So what is on your must see list?


You know me well enough to know I’ll be squeeing over The Vampire Diaries finale. I just can’t imagine how they are going to wrap up everything that needs wrapping in the few episodes they have left.

I know you have yet to jump on board the Supernatural train, but I cannot rave enough about the sixth season. When Kripke created the series, he planned perfectly for a five-season story arc. Well, they got a sixth season, Kripke jumped ship and left the very capable Sera Gamble in charge. I underestimated just how very capable she was. It is unfathomable that the sixth season managed to take Supernatural to an even better place, yet again. I mean really — where do you go after the apocalypse? They’ve managed to turn out quality episode after quality episode with a meaningful story arc and I cannot wait to see how it all ends. Talk has it that there will be a season seven as long as the boys sign on, so here’s hoping that Padelecki and Ackles don’t get pie in the sky dreams of awesome movie careers!

I agree with everything you said about Community.

One last finale I’m pretty excited for is Castle’s. There have been lots of googly eyes going on between Castle and Beckett, and after creator Andrew Marlowe’s tweet, digging at Hart Hanson for dragging out the Brennan/Booth shenanigans, I’m very anxious to see if there’s any forward motion before the end of the season.


So how does this year compare with past seasons for you? I know for me it seems a lot quieter. There are no big series finales that I’m waiting for. Pretty much all the shows that I like will be back next year (or canceled). There are no real big “event’ shows, like Lost’s finale. Frankly, as more and more of the shows I watch migrate over to the cable networks, I almost welcome the end of the network season, because it means some of my favorite shows will be coming back.


I have to agree with you again … so much for the quibbling this week! It is a quiet year, unlike last year, when I was really ready for the season to end; it almost felt overwhelming. This year seems more like a quiet simmer as opposed to the boiling over of last year. Maybe that’s because everything has been canceled and is being left unresolved … no big finishes!

Photo Credit: NBC

One Response to “Most anticipated finale events – Quibbling Siblings”

April 22, 2011 at 2:26 AM

I’m looking forward to the end of “Fringe” just because it keeps getting more awesome as episode after episode just continues to up the ante and make it more fascinating. I’m also anticipating the end of “Stargate Universe” although with a mix of melancholy and rage. The show has finally found its footing, gotten a great mix of action, characterization (especially the formerly minor characters), and humor. Looking at “Fringe” as an example, I can’t help but thing if “SGU” were on Fox it might be getting a chance for a season 3, but alas that is not to be had. After 15 years my family will have absolutely no Stargate to enjoy and that makes me sad and pissed…mostly pissed.

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