CliqueClack TV

American Idol – Extra stiff and dorky

In this episode, Casey puckers up, Steven drops an F-bomb, Stefano doffs the cheese and the judges finally figure it out. A rather enjoyable Wednesday night offering.

- Season 10, Episode 29 - "The Top 7 Perform"

There were really only two players in the game tonight on American Idol.

One, the subject of my title. The other? Someone I was fully prepared to chide going in to tonight’s episode. And I still will a little bit.

Let’s start with the contestant who’s always been my favorite: Casey Abrams

As you can see, James Durbin isn’t the only rocker in the house. Casey’s got the knack for taking a pop ditty and injecting a healthy does of rock element into it. Dude put it out there as needed at this stage of the competition and he made a statement. Granted, that statement came with all the stiff, dorky body movement only he can pull off (and the nerd attire he sported only added to the persona), but you can’t help but love the guy.

Not even Steven Tyler could resist Casey’s smoochy, smoochy charms: “There [are] millions of people in America that are really angry, because you pissed them off because you’re so f#*$&@! good!”

And then there’s Stefano Langone. I was completely prepared to post a photo of a pair cheesecake white lounge loafers on this post in tribute to him and rant about his usual schmaltz.

But you know what? He brought something different for a change. He emoted and strutted on and off the stage, he swooned and connected with the audience and genuinely put himself out there. My only real criticism of Stefano was he sang for all of 30 seconds. The rest of the time he went on runs within the song … talked … ooooo’d and aaaaah’d. Outside that, he didn’t get on my nerves as is usually the case. To be frank, probably the best I’ve ever seen him. I can’t quite say the same for JLo, however; I got the impression she was pushing her critique at him — it felt forced and disingenuous.

Weakest showings of the night? Those belonged to country boy Scott McCreery and the gun metal grey stylings of Hailey Reinhart. Both were flat, uninspiring and drab.

And surprise, surprise: The judges even got all uppity about Scotty’s turn on the stage. They came alive for a spell and got in his stuff, calling him out about playing it safe. Imagine that: halfway through the Top 13 on American Idol and the Legal Team of Lopez, Tyler and Jackson wake up and tell it like it is.

About damned time.

Photo Credit: Fox

4 Responses to “American Idol – Extra stiff and dorky”

April 21, 2011 at 2:03 PM

. . . . .

By the by: My pick for hitting the road is Hailey.

April 21, 2011 at 2:17 PM

Great post as always Michael. I loved Casey last night. He did a great job. I don’t really agree with most of you about Haley but that’s the way it goes. Scotty had a fun song but not his best but will he ever leave …no he is so popular with the girls and the grandmas. Even though Stefano did well, I predict he is leaving. But as JLO says “Who knows? It’s CRAZY!”

April 21, 2011 at 2:29 PM

You know, I’ve decided it’s not the poor performances that topple the contestants at this point, it’s the forgettable performances. I agree with you about Hailey deserving a homegoing, but Scotty may suffer from the judges’ disfavor and hit the bottom three.

But then I tried to figure out which two contestants you didn’t mention. I came up with Lauren’s name pretty quick … after all, only two girls left. Then I spent quite a few thoughtful minutes before I was able to think of the name of the fifth and forgettable Jacob. [Don’t talk to me about the emotion of his song tonight … my father died in a car accident before I was born, so I related very much to the emotion as the performance was on.] Jacob just doesn’t come to mind easily, and that could be his ticket home.

April 21, 2011 at 7:29 PM

Great comments, people. (You know how I feel about you, Michael.)

Stephano sort of reminds me of the little brother that tags along. He’s cute and energetic and a tad annoying. And no one can shake him. It’s like everytime we turn around, well, I’ll be damned, the little sucker’s STILL with us.

Hailey, IMHO, is just coming around too late. I really love the raspy jazzy thing she’s got going on. But as gorgeous and adorable as she is, she just doesn’t have any pizzaz for the stage.

I haven’t taken to Jason from the git-go. Scotty is just irratating me. Is there anyone else? Oh, James. Ya, well…

Casey and his diversity makes me think…I wonder if there can be some discussion at some point in time about the different format AI took this season. Rather than forcing styles for the contestants to conform to they’ve allowed the them to stay with their own. I wonder which way is/was more entertaining? Just thinking out loud.

Woops…Lauren. High five Nyela. She’s a cute kid.

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