CliqueClack TV

Is Hawaii Five-0 getting worse?

Personally, I believe it’s getting better, but according to a couple armchair critics, it’s getting worse. Who do you agree with? Sound off in the comments!

- Season 1, Episode 20 - "Ma Ke Kahakai"

I highly enjoyed last week’s episode, “Ma Ke Kahakai,” which focused on Danno and McGarrett finding a dead fisherman’s body while on a hiking trip in the mountains. The B story surrounded Kono and Chin Ho and the reason for Chin Ho allegedly stealing the money.

I have to say one thing before I get to the critiquing the story. When Julia took over reviewing Hawaii Five-0 for me, I thanked her mightily. It gave me time to rest and space to catch up on Castle and Harry’s Law. However, after spending a couple weeks away from 5-0, watching cozy domestic mysteries and quirky curmudgeonly lawyers, I finally turned on Hawaii 5-0 for the first time last Monday. Interestingly, I was able to watch it without having a mind to criticism or looking for cinematic flourishes; I just watched and enjoyed it.

I rejoiced that 5-0 remained at the same level of quality that I left it. Maybe it hadn’t overtly improved, but it was still good. I enjoyed Danno and McGarrett’s opening scene, McGarrett going MacGuyver, and the show revealing Chin Ho’s mystery. The producers clearly no longer want to hide the bromance. McGarrett taking Danno for a romantic, secluded hike through his favorite familial haunts blatantly screams date. Honestly, if the guys go undercover on a couple’s retreat, I’ll know that the writers have given up all pretence of straightness. Even so, I hope they keep it up. I love every minute.

Also, two snaps in a circle to McGarrett’s badass MacGuyver move of the week. After getting hit in the face with a rock, falling ten feet to the ground, breaking his arm, waking up five minutes later to process a crime scene, and then pulling himself up one handed right as the army arrives, he goes off to solve a case. Chuck Norris ain’t got a thing on him.

I’m of two minds about the mystery that plagued the season’s first half. Although I liked learning about the tar that brushed Chin Ho’s valor, I missed continuing to doubt Chin Ho’s innocence. While I love that the uncle did it, I had to take pause at his capabilities. Let me get this straight: it took a team of four highly trained individuals at the height of their physical and technical skills; however, Chin Ho’s almost 50-60-year-old uncle’s army of one just strolled in without any difficulty? Really??! So, either the team pulled the most overdone heist possible or Hawaii Police Department really needs to step up its security.

Kudos to the producers for casting James Kyson-Lee, aka Ando aka Hiro’s friend (Heroes), as the grieving son even if his part proved smaller than Masi Oka’s coroner position.

Clearly, I thought last week’s episode brought the fire and the funk; however, a few of Michael’s friends rocked a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 in disagreement. According to them, “Hawaii Five-0 is so poorly written it hurts.” So, below find a little bit of armchair clack. Thank you to Griffi.Bunneh, LarryGator, Lüna Tick, gwfrink3, and Karinwithanisays for allowing me to use snippets of your conversation. And, thanks to Mr. Noble for bringing it to my attention.

    Griffi.Bunneh: Finds it unwatchable.
    LarryGator: I keep watching. Like a train wreck.
    Lüna Tick: I watch it for Grace Park, but even that might not be enough anymore. At this point it serves as kind of a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 type comic relief. The episode I’m watching right now [spoiler alert] a guy may have been shot with a fish.
    LarryGator: Mystery Science Theatre 3000!
    Lüna Tick: I actually like Danno. He’s the only one that can deliver those horrible lines decently. He’s basically the same character he was in the Ocean movies.
    LarryGator: Yeah, only stiffer. I blame the directing.
    Lüna Tick: I think they just eliminated the fish as a suspect. I may be overselling it with my own interpretation of the unfolding story.
    LarryGator: It’s okay. When I watch it, I’ll transpose your version to make it more interesting.
    Karinwithanisays: Horrible writing and yet I love it. I can’t stop watching.

So, who do you agree with me, me or armchair clack? Did you find last week’s episode absolutely awesome or un-mesmerizing in its meh-ness? Is the show getting better, worse, or about the same?

Photo Credit: CBS

5 Responses to “Is Hawaii Five-0 getting worse?”

April 19, 2011 at 9:09 AM

I think it is a run of the mill cop show (except when it gets into the Wo Fat, mythology stuff). Dan and Steve have got a great banter going on, and I enjoy it each week … But I don’t understand people who worship at the altar :(

April 19, 2011 at 10:22 AM

I am on your side of the debate. I enjoy the show but like Ivey I do not worship it.

I was disappointed with the Chin Ho story. In the back of my mind I kept thinking the theft tied to Wo Fat somehow. Granted we get that with the money Steve and Kono stole. You just know Wo Fat paid it back so he could own the group. It also made me that much more annoyed with the story line of the reaction from his own family. Did they all think Auntie won the kidney lottery coincidentally at the same time Chin was being accused of theft?

As to the security I just assumed it was beefed up after the original theft. Who wants to be caught with their pants down twice?

April 19, 2011 at 4:40 PM

I find the show very entertaining and enjoy it a lot. I think its gotten better as its gone along for the most part. Exception was this past Monday. I didn’t care for it being a showcase for P. Diddy while the cast I tune in for was shoved aside. P. Diddy not being a very good actor didn’t help matters any. I wish they’d lay off the stunt casting altogether but if they must they need to keep the roles small. Too many of the P. Diddy-like episodes and I will stop watching.

April 19, 2011 at 5:32 PM

I find it entertaining, but I do think that the quality has dropped noticeably.

April 19, 2011 at 7:21 PM

I was a big fan of the original series, but about the only similarities between it and this remake are the name of the characters and that it’s in Hawaii. I tried a few episodes but then gave up.

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