CliqueClack TV

The Killing – We get some answers, but even more questions

The investigation into Rosie Larsen's murder keeps chugging along. Have they found her murderer? I'm not so sure.

- Season 1, Episode 4 - "A Soundless Echo"

As is probably the case with most murder investigations, Sarah and Holder were led astray in day three of their investigation. Luckily, it only took one day for them to find their mistake and get another good lead.

The videotape of Jasper and Kris having sex with someone in the cage ended up not being Rosie, but instead her best friend, Sterling, in Rosie’s witch costume. It was odd that Kris was so nervous during questioning if he wasn’t with Rosie at some point that day. Perhaps that can be attributed to his withdrawal, but I’m not sure there isn’t more to this story. He seemed relieved when he was shown the video. While it appears Jasper and Kris are in the clear, I still think it is possible there is more to their story. One problem I have is with the cage. No matter how bad Sterling’s nose bleed was that night, it wouldn’t possibly have left that much blood. So, either it was a disappointing misdirection by the writers or something else went down in the cage.

The pain and suffering of Stan and Mitch continued. There is definitely more to Stan’s story. Who was that he went and visited to get money? Someone he has ignored for 17 years, but when desperate, is the first person he goes to for money? And, what did Stan used to do that he doesn’t anymore? Was he a contract killer? An enforcer? I’m guessing this is just back story for Stan and doesn’t have anything to do with Rosie’s murder, but it will end up playing a part in the story.

The campaign story is still my least favorite, but it did get more interesting this week. I was right last week when I guessed that Jamie was not the leak; he is instead helping Richmond find the mole. Did the leak come from Adams and not from inside the Richmond campaign? If Gwen is the traitor, why did she work so hard to get Tom Drexler’s money for Richmond? This has to be building up to something, but what? The potential connection of the Richmond campaign to Rosie’s murder came from another aspect.

The clues that her teacher, Bennett, had a special relationship with Rosie were all over the place. From his interest in her, his conversation with the mother, and unfortunately when the bus driver said that Rosie was the only white that took that bus. Who is the only character on the show that isn’t white that she could have been meeting? Bennett. I’m not convinced it was a sexual relationship, based on the letter we saw. Did you notice where they were meeting? At a Richmond campaign office. If he was a campaign volunteer he probably would have known they left the keys in the cars. I think he is another wrong turn, but that he knows her better than anyone and will have information that moves the investigation forward.

What do you think about the investigation so far? Have a guess about who killed Rosie?

Other stuff:

  • “It’s not happening again is it? ….chasing after a dead girl?” – Rick to Sarah
  • What happened to Sarah’s partner? Why is Rick concerned that he can’t compete with a “ghost”? Is that why she is moving?
  • Holder has become increasingly obstinate. What is his problem with Sarah? Is he on drugs? I don’t get him at all.
  • Gwen’s father is a senator.
  • Rosie’s father was upset that Sarah said that Rosie didn’t suffer and she should have told the truth. I think sometimes a lie is better. Sarah did the right thing.


Photo Credit: AMC

8 Responses to “The Killing – We get some answers, but even more questions”

April 18, 2011 at 4:53 PM

Even before last night’s episode, I had a creepy/guilty vibe from Bennett….
maybe a camera angle or lighting, but he just had that guilty thing going on.
Even if he didn’t kill her, there was definitely some inappropriate stuff there.

April 25, 2011 at 12:32 PM

I think he’s her friend. He probably tried to protect her. I think their relationship is a red herring. The real killer is someone we least suspect. Who is that?

April 18, 2011 at 7:33 PM

I’m not sure it is relevant, but I’d guess Gwen’s father is just a state senator, and not a Senator senator :)

April 21, 2011 at 9:43 AM

I had thought from the pilot that Bennett was the killer (it has to be the dude from Harper’s Island, right?) but this episode leaned so strongly in that direction that now I’m afraid I’m not the genius I thought I was.

Whatever. He still totally did it.

April 23, 2011 at 9:09 PM

missed episode 4, how can i get it?

April 23, 2011 at 9:34 PM

Right now the first 4 episodes are available online, but I think they are being taken down this weekend. Here’s the website:

They are also replaying them starting at 10 am ET Sunday morning.

April 25, 2011 at 12:30 PM

There’re all online.

April 30, 2011 at 11:20 AM

I think the actual killing was carried out by the mob at the beheast of the mayor, and-or the waterfront developer. Why? Rosie probably stumbled on something that could put that project in jeopardy, costing the developer big bucks, and the mayor as well, plus it was to be named after the mayor, his legacy. Why the mob? It took at least two people who knew what they were doing (as stated by the forensic guy and lead dectective) to carry out the killing. That’s what the mob does, they’re pros. Plus the mob boss is bitter at Stan, the father for leaving when Rosie was born. Getting even?! Their undoing will be using the mayor’s opponent’s car to sully his chances to win and derail the waterfront project. Instead of just having a random killing, now there is a connection to politics.

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