CliqueClack TV

Desperate Housewives – Carlos learns the truth

A friendly camping trip goes bad when Carlos learns the truth about his mother's death, and Felicia Tillman shows up on Wisteria Lane to bury the hatchet ... in Paul Young's back.

- Season 7, Episode 18 - "Moments in the Woods"

Felicia Tillman moves on to Wisteria Lane

Desperate Housewives was back this week for what should be an uninterrupted run to the two-hour season finale. They seem to be setting almost everyone up for some major summer cliffhanger drama (when are they really going to give Renee something to do?).

A month has passed on Wisteria Lane since we last checked in. Susan is having an amazing run of good luck after receiving Beth’s kidney. She wins at card with her friends and she hit it big at the local casino but why is she having this good luck all of a sudden? Don’t ask. What happens when her luck runs out? Don’t ask. Susan didn’t and no explanation was offered … yet. But Susan has had enough bad luck this season with losing her house and a kidney so it’s about time she enjoyed some happiness and didn’t cry every time something good happened!

Lynette and Tom are suddenly living the high life after Tom accepted the job offer and received a $100,000 signing bonus. He even gave Lynette $10,000 to spend on herself … and she bought a coffee maker. None of her friends were impressed, and Renee decided to make Lynette her next project by introducing her to the world of $500 jeans and boots that do amazingly unspeakable things to her feet. Poor Lynette has been playing the housewife role for so long now that she, and everyone else, seems to forget that she had a high-profile, high-pressure career before she had to give it all up when she got pregnant before the five-year jump in time. It just seems odd to me that she obviously wants to give Tom all of this advice about his career now but she never considers one for herself anymore. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, she’s beginning to see the kind of life Tom had while she was the one working long hours and neglecting the family, and I’m sure this will cause some conflict soon. Either that or something terrible will happen to Tom on one of his business trips (plane crash?).

Paul Young was shocked to learn that one of the houses he bought on Wisteria Lane — that he put in Beth’s name — was inherited by Felicia and she wasted no time in moving right in. I love Harriet Sansom Harris and she is playing the grieving mother who wants to put all of the pain of the past behind her to absolute perfection. Sometimes actors have a tendency to still “wink at the audience” as if we’re not smart enough to know there is something up their sleeve, but Harris has been playing the part without a wink and that makes it all the more shocking — and delicious — when we find out she truly does have some not so friendly plans in store for Paul. Her scenes in the car and at the lake to spread Beth’s ashes really seemed heartfelt, but when she came home and we found out the ashes were just from the fireplace and Felicia’s crazy came back out, it was a moment that made me giddy with delight to see what’s going to happen next.

The other big revelation came as Bree and Gaby accidentally outed Andrew’s role in Carlos’ mother’s death and Bree’s cover-up. Needless to say, Carlos did not take the news that Andrew ran his mother down too well, but after returning from what was supposed to be a friendly camping trip, Andrew was finally able to talk to Carlos and was forgiven. This all came about because of Andrew’s 30 days of sobriety and making amends to those he hurt in the past, but Bree thought Carlos would kill him when he learned the truth. If Bree had left well enough alone, everything would have been fine, but now that Carlos knows of her complicity in the crime and, even worse, Gaby’s knowledge of what happened he has cut ties with Bree and has forbidden Gaby from associating with her. Except, Gaby is Gaby and something tells me this will not end well for any of them.

“Do you really think the people on this street want a manipulative psycho for a neighbor?” – Paul
“Well, they let you live here so I’m guessing the zoning laws aren’t all that strict.” – Felicia

“Look, after this game I’m taking you to a clothing store … that doesn’t also sell patio furniture and meat.” – Renee, making Lynette her new project

Photo Credit: ABC

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