CliqueClack TV

There were cons all around on Chuck

The promo for "Chuck Versus the Wedding Planner" conned me, that's for sure. But, I don't mind because this was one of the best 'Chuck' episodes ever!

- Season 4, Episode 21 - "Chuck Versus the Wedding Planner"

The preview for this episode mentioned that Sarah’s dad would help her throw a $100,000 wedding after she and Chuck were scammed by their wedding planner. Of course, I thought it was their wedding. Now, looking back, I should have realized it wasn’t. Chuck and Sarah are not $100k wedding type of people, but I was hoodwinked. I give credit to the NBC promotions department — well done.

“Chuck Versus the Wedding Planner” had everything I love about Chuck: there was a case, but underlying that was humor and emotion. It’s this combination of espionage, wit, and love that makes Chuck unique. What other show could do this storyline and make it believable?

Sarah was raised by a con man, she and Chuck are top agents in the CIA … and they get conned by a fake wedding planner — say it ain’t so! Then, they decide to con the CIA into finding their con artist wedding planner. That is just a disaster waiting to happen, but it is so Chuck! Though Chuck and Sarah trying to “fake” flash was hilarious.

If you have ever taken a Super Shuttle, I imagine that you throughly enjoyed the accurate depiction of the experience. I recently used them and that experience was spot on, except for the whole Chuck and wedding planner bit. They are packed full and on a schedule; you don’t mess with the schedule. I wonder if they paid for that placement or not.

There was much that I enjoyed in this episode, but the team putting together a wedding on the fly was entertaining. Who knew Sarah could decorate a cake, even a fake styrofoam one so well? That’s one way she can save money on her own wedding: decorate it herself.

But, ultimately, a good Chuck episode comes down to the characters and family. It was nice to get some back story on Sarah, since her history has been stored in a tightly bound book. Despite her father’s faults, Sarah understands him and doesn’t hold them against him. In the end, he came through for her and hopefully this will allow her to open up just a bit more.

Kathleen finally knows Casey is alive; I appreciated the calm around this reveal. It could easily have been loud and angry. Instead, we saw a little confusion, but Kathleen’s love for her daughter and I believe for Casey overcame that. Again, family came first. The connection between Kathleen and Casey was beaming. He has gone from a stoic soldier to a friend and devoted father; the next step is for him to be a loving partner.

This episode was so heartfelt, yet funny at the same time. Some people have complained that Chuck has lost its Chuckness this season, I think it found it again. What did you think? Love it as much as me? Or am I alone in drinking the Chuck koolaid?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Chuck | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “There were cons all around on Chuck”

April 19, 2011 at 10:20 AM

I actually didn’t care for this episode much at all. While Gary Cole is always a high point, Beckman’s response to Chuck’s fake flash was unbelievable, the wedding planner character (and Sarah’s impression of her) was annoying – especially the scene where she loudly accuses Chuck of stalking her on the shuttle – and I didn’t buy Kathleen’s reaction to seeing Casey. This episode felt like one of those “create a conflict out of nothing so the characters have something to do” scripts, one of my least favorite techniques.

April 19, 2011 at 10:42 AM

My friend stopped watching Chuck cause she thought it had lost its Chuckness too!
but I’m happy I never stopped watching. This episode was awesome!
just one thing annoys me!
I know it’s stupid and… well…
I’m from Iran and I don’t mind them using my country so much… and in a bad way… I’m actually thrilled that people would know the name. It’s better than being unknown!
but what bothers me is that their knowledge is… they don’t have any!
a few episodes before, they wrote the name of the Zagros mountains, Zargos… and now that Iranian researcher, one of those brothers in Chuck’s flash.. his name and clearance were written wrong in so many ways.
But I know whoever is reading this would probably be insulting me right now! Sorry!

I love the show! :D
Sorry about the above, but I really needed to nag to someone! :D

and Chuck’s fake flash was the funniest thing I had seen in the fourth season! :))

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