CliqueClack TV

The very interesting reaction to the eviction of a scarecrow

Nothing really shocking about Paul McDonald's elimination on 'Idol' this night. But the aftermath was rather strange, don't you think?

- Season 10, Episode 28 - "Top 8 Elimination"

My television calls out to me sometimes: “Michael … keep your eyes peeled. I have an interesting one for you tonight.”

What is it? What’s interesting?

It’s this: Have you noticed there’s usually “an item of note” during elimination night on American Idol? I expounded on Stefano Langone’s stunned reaction to Pia Toscano’s ouster and his befuddling yet stalwart tarry on the show last week. So, what was it this week?

Again, it had to do with reaction. But not because Paul McDonald was the victim this time around. And not because, again, Stefano slipped through the cracks to inexplicably survive yet another week. And not because the voting masses finally voted off a guy, this time for certain .

It was the reaction to Paul’s elimination. There was a party atmosphere in the air. (No. It wasn’t when Rhianna performed as her best Bozo The Clown imitation *shudder* with toxic red tresses.) You see, everyone was happy. There wasn’t a wet eye in the place. Paul’s pearly whites kept their sparkle and shot out at us, despite the fact he’d been nixed. Contestants came bounding toward him at the end with smiles and back slaps and a big ‘ole group hug, engulfing our dear little scarecrow in joy.

There wasn’t a single tear among them. And I’d go so far to say there wasn’t a tear in the house at any time after the announcement.

Don’t you find that interesting? I do.


Photo Credit: Fox

12 Responses to “The very interesting reaction to the eviction of a scarecrow”

April 15, 2011 at 10:16 AM

My husband and I noticed that. He even wondered if Paul has some sort of record deal in place. Lauren Alaina was rather teary-eyed though, and James Durbin’s facial ticks were way out of control, which seems to happen when he gets emotional.
I’d be willing to bet Paul will be glad to get back to his band and it’s as simple as that.

April 15, 2011 at 1:27 PM

According to a post-show interview with Paul, he said he would miss Lauren the most because she was like a little sister to him. He would try and calm her nerves when her 16-year-old self would get overwhelmed with all the stuff they were doing. I thought that was sweet, and is most likely why she was crying so much.

April 15, 2011 at 10:29 AM

What you saw was relief. The settling of the world once again in it’s proper orbit. Two plus two once again equaling four. Vote for the Worst once again being snubbed. This is the way it is supposed to go, and the fourth amigo happily accepted his place in the universe – good, but not good enough.

I began to relax as soon as the bottom three were selected. Tonight there would be no horrified tears or breath-snatching gasps. Ryan’s announcement was simply the expected end of an ordinary Perry Mason episode – justice was served.

April 15, 2011 at 10:31 AM

BTW, give Stefano his due … he gave a good performance this week and has shown a great talent for slipping out of the hangman’s noose. What is the record number of times in the bottom three without being sent home? He’s got to be in contention soon.

April 15, 2011 at 11:04 PM

. . . . .

The record for being in the bottom of the pack is Syesha Mercado, Season 7. She was in the bottom of the pack 5 times before finally getting eliminated, Nyela. Stefano’s got a couple more to match that dubious title.

Stefano hasn’t moved me to date. He’s just loungey to me … and I don’t get anything out of his performances. If there was something for me to “give him his due” I would certainly do so. But that just hasn’t manifested itself.

April 15, 2011 at 1:25 PM

I think everyone knew that Paul didn’t belong on Idol. Not because he’s not talented, but because it’s just not the right venue for a guy like him. He knew it, and every week that he was forced to sing other people’s songs, we came to know it, too.

I liked Paul a lot. I like the tone of his voice and the love he obviously has for music and performing. I would actually buy an album from him (based on his pre-Idol music alone, which is great). But he didn’t belong in this pop world at all, and it was pretty obvious by the end.

He was relieved to go, happy to finish 8th out of hundreds of thousands of people who auditioned. He got his name out there, got some recognition, and will probably release an album with his band and sell a decent amount of them.

I think everyone took their cue from Paul himself, who was happy with his run, sang a fun and happy song, and was ready to go.

April 15, 2011 at 3:38 PM

Monica I have to agree with you on this. He just always made me smile when I watched him perform. Yes, maybe he wasn’t as good as some of the others but he was entertaining. I was glad that the voters beat out the stupid VFTW site though.

Michael, been meaning to ask you why you call him the “Scarecrow”?

April 15, 2011 at 11:13 PM

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Back in episode 17, when the Top 13 performed over a month ago, that’s when I began referring to Paul as “scarecrow”. He reminds me of Hunk / The Scarecrow from The Wizard Of Oz with his sometimes wild, gravity-defying and boneless moves.

April 16, 2011 at 1:56 AM

Oh OK. Pretty funny. I guess he does have long skinny legs.

April 16, 2011 at 12:27 PM

Thanks Monica. You pretty well covered it for me. I shall say no more. (there’s a first for you Michael)

April 17, 2011 at 1:02 AM

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April 17, 2011 at 12:40 PM

………… I’m just glad he stayed around long enough to sing “Rocket Man” *my favorite download of the season* Cute kid. Good luck, Paulie!

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