CliqueClack TV

Army Wives – A ghost? Really?

I don’t know enough about the Army to answer this question, but is there some significance to the fact that the division is coming home early? I’m sure they’re not being fired, but is the show about to implement its own shift in war strategy?

- Season 5, Episode 6 - "Walking Wounded"

A part of me is unsure about how to address Denise’s current story line on Army Wives. I couldn’t even begin to guess what it might be like to lose a child, so is it fair to judge how someone would react to that kind of pain? At the same time I have to imagine that, at best, we’re only seeing Catherine Bell’s researched interpretation of the experience … for her sake I don’t think anyone’s saying she’s an expert.

So while I hate to judge her, I have to say that I’m finding Denise to be kind of annoying. I understand her desire to be left alone, but what right does she have to shut Frank out? And how can Denise decide to whisk Molly away from her father just because she can’t handle things? Certainly there’s no right or wrong in this kind of situation, but I would have hoped for better from her.

And I’m also kind of surprised by her. Despite her protestations to the contrary, Denise is a very strong person; running has never been a part of her makeup. Sure she was afraid when she first went back to nursing, but she forged ahead and excelled. I don’t feel as if she’s ever been the type to shy away from a fight.

But I am glad that by the end of the episode she was back at home, and Frank had received new orders and was staying on base. They need time to heal and regroup as a family, just like they did when their marriage was going through a tough time. And Frank has really evolved into the best, deepest, most interesting character on the entire show. Terry Serpico’s doing an awesome job.

After enduring the difficulties that they have, I don’t know how wise it is for Pamela and Chase to rush into getting remarried, especially not if its in large part due to the realities of Army life. The fact that the wait-list for housing is six months long shouldn’t be a catalyst for their reconciliation. At the same time, what in the world does their wedding have to do with Jeremy’s death? Why is it too soon after he got killed for them to hold a ceremony? I appreciate considering others, but there’s no connection between the two in this case.

I think Joan is reaching a point where she’s completely blind to her life outside the Army. While she draped her confrontation with Roland under the guise of concern for him, what I heard was, “Let those men go back to fight because their commander says they’re ready.” Roland’s clearly going through some serious emotional guilt over Jeremy, and it’s something that needs to be dealt with, but Joan seems almost unable to relate to Roland on a personal level anymore. I think she was really out-of-line.

What Roland did need — which is interesting because it didn’t happen for this purpose — was his conversation with Frank. Of course Frank wasn’t about to blame anything on Roland (Denise still might), but the fact that Frank thanked him for the time he and Jeremy got to spend together in Afghanistan was just the alleviation that Roland needed. That’s what helped get him over the hurdle that he was being confronted with.

Despite being granted only half of her loan, Roxy figured out a way to buy into the truck stop business — which also explains the sudden appearance of Finn’s father this season. Obviously bringing him into the picture will drive Trevor nuts, and blah, blah, blah. Quite frankly, Trevor’s just not interesting anymore. On the other hand, who thinks the business idea is all a scam?

Remember back in season one when this show was great? Now Claudia Joy is literally chasing the ghost of her dead daughter, Amanda … played by an actress other than Kim Allen. Now maybe it’s just me, but I think that both of those things scream soap opera. Is that really what Army Wives has come to?

Does Army Wives have a political agenda? [51BrcurVH8L. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Does Army Wives have a political agenda? [51kaTVRmJ4L. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Does Army Wives have a political agenda? [51J6xOgGq5L. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: Lifetime

2 Responses to “Army Wives – A ghost? Really?”

April 13, 2011 at 2:05 AM

Do you have an email address?

April 13, 2011 at 10:36 AM

I believe you can use the to contact any of the writers; we’ll get it from there.

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